#11: Secrets

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Nikki's POV

I have to say, I felt weird when I made out with Dean. I mean after that Roman kissed me. It got worse when I got home. Roman and I made out. Well now after we made our in my house I became his girlfriend. I have no words for this. I blame Alexa but she did get me to date Roman.

Someone knocked on my door jumping me from my thoughts. I quickly opened the door and outside the door was Dean Ambrose. "Dean what are you doing here?" Dean sighs and he enters. I close the door and her turns around and I turn to Dean. "Nikki, what happened after my party?" I sigh and gulp. "So, me and Roman, we're dating." "Really?" "Yes. I mean if you didn't want to keep it a secret I would've told Roman." Dean walks to my couch and sits down. I made my way to the couch and sat next to him. "Okay so today is Sunday. Monday you'll tell Roman. Got it?" "Won't it look like I'm cheating when I'm really not?" "I know but just say it was during the closet because it was." I sigh and clench my jaw. "I'm sorry Dean, I can't. We're dating and I don't want to ruin my chances with him. It won't make what ever this is any different." "Nikki. Please, at least try to make this work. That night when I kissed you I felt good inside. You're a great person Nikki. I want you." I hold hands with Dean and I put my other hand on his cheek. "Dean, as much as I like you, I like Roman so much more." "Nikki, please." "Dean, I'm sorry but I can't." "We should be together. Roman likes Alexa too. Every thought of that?" "Dean just stop! Okay! I'm dating Roman and that's that. Let us be. I'm not doing this for this one little small make out session. I felt something but I'm dating someone. Im sorry Dean. I really am." Dean sighs and I take off my hands from him. I give him a small kiss on the cheek. I get up from the couch and walk to the door to open it for Dean.

"Nikki!" I turn and Dean runs to me. Before I could say anything he gets my face and kisses me. I place my hand on his arm and shove him. "Dean what are you doing?!?" "Nikki, I like you. You like me too. Just good luck with Roman." Dean turns around and he opens the door and slams it shut. I shed a tear and sigh. Someone calls my phone and I quickly wipe my tear. I walk to my counter and pick up my phone. I see who's calling and see it's Roman. I answer it and smile as I put my phone on my ear.

"Hey Roman"

"Hey Nikki. Are you busy today?"

"No, I'm totally free"

"Then if you don't mind me asking. Do you want to go out?"

"Roman you are my boyfriend. We could go anywhere basically with out you asking. Wait, that came out wrong"

Roman chuckles. God how I love him.

"So that's a yes?"


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