twenty four

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chapter twenty four!
take my advice.

J A C E.

"New York, are you ready?" Serenity said into her microphone. I was watching her from the TV ; she looked happy. She was the happiest on stage and it was clear to everyone that came across her.

"So I wrote this song when there was this certain someone that was on my mind every day all day. I'm kinda positive that most of us can relate to that. When you think of that person, you just get that smile on your face and like all your friends know it's about them." 

After that, everyone in the audience started going crazy. Once the beat started, the crowd became hyper than ever. She sang every word so glorious and beautiful, it was intoxicating. I could listen to her sing or talk all day.

When it came to the end, she had tears of joy in her eyes. It's like everyday I fall harder for her, if that's even possible. She's the missing puzzle piece in my life.

"Look who's hypnotized." Swan snickered parking next to me on the couch.

"I was just watching, you know how good of a performer she is."

"Whatever. Any ideas on this date of yours?"


"I'm sorry, did you say no?" Nodding my head, he sighs contently. "May I ask why?"

"I'm not sure what to do. I don't know she likes and don't like. She deserves something perfect but—"

"Let's back track for a second. Whatever you do, I guarantee that she'll dig it because she digs you. Just don't be cliche with the dinner and movie. That's out played."

"Anything else?" This is the one time I accept advice on dating. I wanted things with Serenity to be much different than my other girls.

"Not really. Just don't go to the extreme with it, ya know and of course, don't pressure her to shit she not ready for."

"Okay." I say looking back at the screen. All I can hope for is that this date goes well and that things between us are stronger than ever.

S E R E N I T Y.

"Thank you my angels!" I finished blowing all of my fans kisses then shaking the hands of both hosts. Thanking the ones that said I had great show, I finally reached my dressing room.

It felt reviving to back on the stage and acting so carefree. It made me anxious for the tour.

"You did your thing out there!" Melanie shouted excitedly, throwing me into one of her foreign bear hugs. It felt good to know that the one person I go back and forth with the most is proud of me. She is another one who believes me in the times I don't. I love her for that.

"Thank you." I smile pulling away. "Now let's go because your girl is completely starving!" I changed back to the dress I had for the first half of the show which was the interview.

Halfway to the door, I heard Mel curse under her breath and look in the east direction. I followed her gaze and realized exactly why she did so. Grabbing coffee was, Lacey, someone I dislike with a burning passion. We dismissed her in our heads and continued to leave but stopped once my name was called.

"Serenity, my love. How are you?" Her manager which is also her mom smiled in our faces. Melanie rolled her eyes right in front of the two and didn't care.

The story with us is Lacey and I met over the Internet before I was discovered. Before I signed with the label I'm with now, I was with the company her parents own.

There weren't many artist with them and I can see why now. They put in their all into their daughter who doesn't own a talented bone in her body.

"We're doing just fine and we are running late. Nice seeing you both of you. Toodles!" Mel says grabbing my hand. Before they could say one more word, we were out the door. "God, I loathe that woman."

"You're crazy." I laugh, reaching for my phone that is currently ringing.
It was Jace. Already I was blushing and I didn't even answer. "Hello?"

"Hey. You did amazing earlier, I really wanted to call and tell you that."

"Thank you. I'm glad you're such a supporter. It means a bunch to me." I smile.

"You mean a lot to me." He replies making my heart skip a beat. "But I know you're probably tired so just call me whenever you're free. Okay?"

"I will." Once we hung up, my attention was on the line of fans waiting by my car, dying to meet me. "On second thought, maybe the food can wait. I wanna stay with them for a bit."

"Fine," Sighed Mel. "I'm going back to the hotel. Be back at a reasonable time girl."

"Can't make any promises."


y'all probably sick of me and my irregular updates but just know that i'm still alive 🤤

let me update for ya now :)

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