thirty five

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chapter thirty five.
broken masterpiece.

S E R E N I T Y.
time lapse: mid september

Tour starts today. It made me realize how much I missed being on stage. Yeah I had a few little promo concerts here and there but tonight I get to live out the real deal again. I was pumped.

"You're really leaving me." Aaliyah whines. I remember after we met, I had to leave for South America and she stalled up until the last minute my flight was being called. We're two peas in a pod.

"Don't remind me," I sighed. "By the time I start the European half of tour, you'll be back and you can continue to annoy the hell out of me."

"All set." Jace announces slamming down on the trunk. Your girl has to be prepared. "You almost ready mamas?"

"Yeah." I bring Aaliyah in for a hug and we started rocking back and forth. "I'll see you later at the show, right?"

"Duh." She laughs wiping stray tears. "And we can continue to cry again." I hugged her one last time before making my way to the vehicle where Jace was waiting. We both got in and I waved to her until I couldn't see her no more.

We really acting like we won't see each other in a few more hours.

"Cheer up." Jace says poking my cheek. "Just think, in a few hours, you'll be up and doing what you love."

"Yeah. You're right." I smile shifting in my seat so I could see his face. "Are you nervous?"

"No... Should I?"

"I know that this isn't particular your cup of tea. I just want you to be in your element, you know?"

"I think once the rush kicks in that I'll be okay. This is unlike any job I ever had but I already know it'll be the best."

"Well your subject is all that." I toss my hair to one side and I catch Jace giving me the side eye. "Don't make me fight you."

"Harsh words Serenity." He chuckles coming to a halt at a red light. "You ever think of what life would be like if you did one thing differently?"

"All the time," I exhaled sharply running my fingers through my hair. "I think that if I wouldn't have gotten involved with Kaiden that I would still be normal."

"But you are normal."

"I'm not. I'll never be. I live in fear Jace. How will I know if one of the good ones is actually one of the bad ones? I won't and that's terrifying. I could see God in somebody but in reality, underneath they're the Devil himself."

"I don't think so," He shakes his head. "Serenity, not everyone is out to get you baby—"

"That's where you're wrong Jace, they are. Everyone wants a piece of Serenity. Everyone wants to be able to say 'I made that girl.' even if it means hurting me in the process. This world is backwards, I swear to you it is. You're either at the top or at the bottom."

"And where do you think you are? Hm? Why is it so hard for see that you're more than you're claiming yourself to be? The whole purpose of my project was for you to see how strong and outspoken you are. You're— Serenity you are elysian and I cannot stress to you enough that you are somebody."

I kept quiet. I confuse myself. I knew some parts of his statement was true but my mind keeps me from believing it. Like I said, confusing

We arrived at the venue in no time and there was a long line all ready for meet and greet. "And you say you're at the bottom, look at everybody that's here for you."

I take his hand and we walk in, going to the dressing room. I became interested seeing a sign on the door next to mine. "Mel?" I say grabbing her arm. "Who's the other sign for?"

"No one told you?" She sighs, putting a hand on her forehead. I shake my head. "Come here." She pulls me to the side with a worried look. "Be calm, okay?"

"Melanie, you're scaring me."

"Calvin made a deal with an associate of his and as part as his deal, someone had to join you on tour."

My throat ran dry. Why everything gotta happen to me? Scared of the next response I said, "Who?"

"Kaiden." Shit.

a.n // i'm putting the month so you'll know when everything starts to happen because like i said it moves kinda fast in the next few chapters like a domino effect.

this is my longest book, yee! im nowhere near down it either. i plan on having sixty chapters or more. who knows :) love ya a bunch! 💛

— k. 🏹

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