forty three

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I MEAN LOOK AT HOW GOOD SHE LOOKS. it's good to love women 😩


chapter forty three.
breaking point.


My body shot up after it felt like I was being held down for hours. My head was spinning all over the place. I couldn't pinpoint where I was nor why my body was feeling so weird.

I sat up and all I saw were white walls. There was a TV and it was on one of those gossip stations where I saw the bottom headline,

Deja Vu? : Singer / dancer Serenity Knight found unconscious inside hotel bedroom.

"What the hell?" I tried moving but I felt a throbbing touch on my right side. I yelled out in pain and immediately a woman ran in. "Where am I?"

"Ma'am, I'm gonna need for you to calm down and take several breaths." I kept screaming. I was in pain. I was confused. I was everything but good.

Several people ran in seconds later and trying to help in the process of getting me to calm down. I couldn't and I wouldn't. Everything was just chaotic.

A nurse then walked in. She had this large needle in her hand and that's when I really lost it. This was a dream. It had to be a dream.

There was a sudden sting in my arm. My eyelids grew heavy as I watched the people be escorted out. I remember calling out for help before it all went black again.

I heard monitors beating. My body felt stiff like before. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Jace. He looked as if he'd been through hell and back. The bed creaked as I tried to sit up but again I felt my right side throb.

"Nah. You gotta lay down," He said jumping up. He fluffed up the pillows and repositioned me so I was a bit more comfortable. "Thank God, you're awake."

"What happened to me? Why am I here? What's—" I began bombarding him with a lot of questions and he simply grabbed my hand.

"You're in the hospital, you've been asleep for almost a day. You did wake up earlier but you started hyperventilating so they gave you something to calm down. Can you remember anything?"

This was a lot. I can only remember parts. I remember arguing with someone then I fell into something with glass like a mirror which explains my cuts. "N–No. What happened to me?"

His lips parted to speak but my parents along with Liyah, Joel, Mel, and a few of the doctors rushed inside. I heard more people outside even a few camera clicks. They embraced me one by one like I was close to death or something.

Everyone kept asking how I was feeling but no one was trying to tell the reasoning as to why I'm here. "I'd like to be brought up to speed please." I said in a joking matter but I was serious. They stopped and all looked at Jace.

"You guys walked in before I had the chance to tell her—"

"Tell me what?" I looked at Jace who gulped before taking my hand in his. He looked to refraining his tears.

"I found you. You were in my room. You looked so distraught and you were in pain. You said that a "he" did this. I called the paramedics and you were rushed here. They found a substance in your system and signs of sexual assault so they concluded you were drugged."

My breath got lodged in the back of my throat. All I wanted to know was why? Am I that vulnerable to people to the point that I am constantly fucked over? The people around me looked sympathetic. Some were fearful of what was coming next.

"That's not all pooh," He says sniffling. I was frightened of what he could possibly have to say next. I only been awake for fifteen minutes. "You were eight weeks pregnant."

I couldn't speak. Everything just stopped. I was what? What? "You're kidding me, right? This is like a sick joke?"

"I wish." He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry pooh." I refused to believe it. I was going to be a mother. Life was growing inside me and was taken away before it even had chance to grow. And it's my fault. It's always my fault.


"Can you all just leave... please?"

Their faces were all hesitant. They had that stupid look of pity and sympathy. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"I don't care so can everyone please get out!" I tried to keep calm because exploding on the people who care was not a good choice. Eventually they did and it was just me. They didn't go far, I heard them outside.

Eight weeks pregnant. I rubbed my stomach feeling warm droplets on my hand. My own tears. Somehow my attention went to my phone where it was buzzing nonstop. I didn't think, I just reacted. I threw at the wall as all the glass shattered on the ground along with the remaining pieces.

I broke down letting my emotions run free. Everything I've been trying to desperately hold in for the sake of others and myself just surfaced. And I finally realized I can't do this anymore.

this part was hard to write, that's why it suckedddddd. three more chapters !!

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