forty six

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chapter forty six.
letters : final chapter

It was close to seven in the morning when Aaliyah groaned at the rays of sun in her face. She sat up and stretched, looking around. Empty sandwich wrappers and chip bags were scattered on the bed.

She started picking up any pieces in sight and saw that only one person was laying on the bed and that was Jace. She questioned where her friend was.

It was too quiet downstairs and knowing Serenity, she'd be making a loud wreck. "Maybe she went out for a walk." She thought aloud.

Aaliyah wasn't thinking anything too seriously about her whereabouts until she spotted two folded up pieces of paper, one with her name.


Since you're a bit dramatic, you may wanna sit down for this. I left. I'm going out of the U.S but just know that it's better this way. You've been there since day one and I appreciate everything you've done for me as my friend and as a friend, you'll be pleased to know that I'm taking some me time. Don't worry too much. I think this is good for me. I love you my sister. One day I'll be back and it'll just like I never left. Until next time.


"Oh my gosh." She shook her head, reading the letter over and over, dropping to her knees. "Damn that girl."

Meanwhile Jace stirred in his sleep, hearing cries and sudden laughter. "What the— Aaliyah, are you crying?"

"What? No, I'm just—" She exhaled happily. "This is very overwhelming. Uh— Serenity... left."

"Left? What'd you mean left?" He jumped up quickly grabbing his phone. Dialing her number, it went right to her voicemail. "This is a joke right?"

"No. It's a shock for me too—" She picked up his letter and handed it to him. "I can't explain it but this can."

"A letter? She left a letter instead of talking to me? To us?" His voice raised out of anger. This wasn't the first time she's run off, he knows that, but still he can't fully grasp why she does it.

"This is Serenity we're talking about. The girl is full of mysteries and surprises and you'll never know what she's really thinking until she does it. But out of all her crazy decisions, this one may be her best."

"Nah. I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Grabbing his hoodie, he shoved his phone in his pocket heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" She questioned him with a sigh.

"Out. I need some air."

Somehow his feet managed to get him all the way to a park. Sitting on the bench, he started reminiscing on his first date with Serenity. He knew then how she was treated but saw how she always managed to make everyone happy but herself.

The way Aaliyah made it sound, it sounded as if Serenity was happy to have left. That's a good thing right?

He inhaled deeply, Serenity's words were in his hands. He couldn't open it. Was he scared maybe? Like Aaliyah said, sometimes that superstar friend of hers could be unpredictable but she knew what she wanted. So he opened it.

Dear Jace,

If you're reading this, it's too late (get it? it was supposed to be a joke *inserts laughing emoji* ) but no that means I'm gone. Not gone but I left. It's for the best. You and I both know that I'm toxic. Please don't worry about me. I'm going somewhere where I'm going to get help. It's a really good program and I think it'll help.

Do me a favor though, move on. I don't want you to wait for me. I'll be damned if I hold you back from any blessings in disguises even love. I want you to be happy in life. Go explore what this world has to offer you. I love you so much, it's crazy. Thanks for believing in me when it seemed like no else didn't. You da sugar honey iced tea kid.

love, Serenity

He chuckled reading it over for the second time. He couldn't be upset with her, not after this. He out of all people knows how she is, always wanting to please people, now she's doing something for herself.

She finally made her own choice.


and that's a wrap! ( as of now though ) thanks for supporting this book guys! ✨ i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did. your support never goes unnoticed. the second book is in the works and will be posted soon.. maybe in end of march / early april depending how far i get. i love you guys 💕💕💗

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