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chapter forty.
something tells me.

S E R E N I T Y.

Jace confirmed that I messed things up when he gave me the silent treatment. I didn't know how to start my apologies to him. I was giving him hope just for it to turn into a disaster.

Currently I was in the living room on the sofa watching a cartoon eating some hot cheetos with melted cheese and a candy bar, it was weird I know but I had a craving, and he was in the room with the door closed. It was quiet in there.

I got up and cracked open a door a bit to see if he was sleep, which he wasn't, I went inside completely and saw him on the balcony smoking a blunt.

"Since when did he smoke?" I mumble to myself before going out to join him. "Hey."

He looked me up and down before returning to his smoke. I sighed and pulled a chair up in front of him so he had no choice but to look at me. "We should really talk about what happened today."

He shrugs. "Talk about what Serenity?"

"You know what we gotta talk about and what's up with this little attitude of yours?"

"My attitude," He chuckles putting out his smoke, standing up. "You got a lot of nerve playing this facade here in front of my face. If you wouldn't have stepped out your boundaries then I wouldn't need to be acting like this."

"So once again this is my fault?" I scoff following behind him.

"See there you go!" He shot his arms up. "You got the mentality of thinking you helping somebody out but in reality you just trying to make yourself feel good."

"Oh really? So that's how we're speaking about each other now?"

"It's the truth princess." His attitude and demeanor was pissing me the hell off. I get him being mad but throwing it in my face was unnecessary. And I was not trying to add fuel to this fire.

"It's not the truth. You're not thinking straight okay? You're high and you're very emotional and you're saying stuff that you don't mean."

"Face it Serenity. You know deep down that I'm right. You walk around acting like the victim like everyone is out for you but in reality, you're just old news."

I had to start taking deep breaths. I usually had my temper under control but whew he's pressing buttons now. Never did I think that he would say this to me then again should I really be shocked? This is the company I attract.

"Old news right? This old news was the one who changed your life. You wouldn't be in half of the places you've been without me, gotten the chances you got without me so let's not even go there Jace."

"I didn't ask for none of this. You were the one getting choked out by your dumbass ex and I came to the rescue. I sat there and listened to your bullshit problems—"

"It went both ways! We confided in each other with that stuff. So why did you? Hm? If all this time you felt like this then why did you? In fact why are you still here?"

He got quiet and his silence was the only answer I needed. "Get out."


"Did I stutter? I said get out."

"So that's how you feel? This is how you want the conversation to end?"

"That's how you feel. You just sat up there and said that I dragged you into this. And yes this is exactly how I want it to end so get out." I walked to the door, opening it. "Leave. Go. Goodbye."

He stood there momentarily just looking, as if he wanted me to crack. I wouldn't. So he left. He walked out and I slammed the door behind him. I don't know what I just did but now I have a headache, great.

The next few weeks went like this, we said nothing to each other. He did his job and I did mine. We co existed now, like strangers. I didn't want it to be like this but I guess that's the way life goes.

"Okay." Melanie sighs entering my dressing room. "What's going with you? And don't even say nothing."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I shrug doing my makeup. "I'm doing fine like I always am."

"It's obvious your relationship hit a dent and I think—"

"No. It's obvious that my relationship has ran its course."

"Look I don't know what happened but it's clearly bothering the both of you and it needs to be solved but it gets out of hand."

"What needs to be solved? Right now I should be focused on my career because let's be honest, it's the only thing I have left, without it I'm done. Seriously."

"And what does that mean?" I bit the inside of my cheek getting up from the vanity. It means when my time is up, it is up.

"Nothing. I got a show to do."

sooo who's overreacting?
who's wrong and should apologize?

im getting this update out the way because wattpad is acting strange, is it only me or everybody 🤔

enjoy your weekend loves! 🦋

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