forty two

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chapter forty two.
a little too late

J A C E.

After Serenity's show, I had the intentions of inviting her out to dinner but she ran off before I even had the chance. It's been killing me to see how she's acting and knowing that it's kind of my fault.

What I said that day and how was acting was because of my own feelings. I had no right to take it out on her but I did and hopefully I can try and make it up with her.

Before I headed back to the hotel we were at, I stopped by a flower shop and picked up some food instead. My phone was ringing my pocket but my hands were kinda occupied so I just let it go to voicemail.

I got back to the hotel a little after one in the morning and hopped onto the elevator. When I got to Serenity's floor, I had loud music coming from one of the rooms. I walked down the hall to hers and knocked loud enough for her to hear.

I didn't get an answer. I know she has to be up, that girl is the definition of a night owl. I knocked again but this time a bit louder. Maybe she couldn't hear.

I reached into my pocket for my phone and saw it was an unknown number that called. I tried her door again and just left the flowers at her door.

I took the steps down to my floor and dug through my jacket for the keys but when I got there, my door was open. "I swore I locked it." I mumble turning on the lights.

There I saw Serenity laying on the floor, holding onto her stomach. "Shit. Serenity, baby, are you okay?" I had dropped everything and ran to her. Her hands were bloody along with her clothes and her face had many cuts and an eye was black.

"He—He wouldn't stop." She shivered rocking back and forth. She looked traumatized. "He said it'd make me feel better."

"Who? Serenity, who are you talking about?" I tried touching her but she screamed out in pain, clutching on to her stomach.

"It hurts. Jace it hurts!" It was like something from a movie. She started to cough up some weird substance and that's when I had dialed 911. They said to keep her awake and that was what I tried to do.

Fifteen minutes later and the paramedics arrived and they put her up on the gurney. She was still responsive but barely.

I hopped in the ambulance with them and held onto her hand for dear life. She said he did this but who the hell was he? She may have been impossible to work with for the last couple weeks but no one has it out for her except—

Kaiden. I overheard his people talking about some party in his room after the show but Serenity wouldn't go there, would she? They rushed her to the emergency room where they had me sit in the waiting room.

I already made phone calls to everyone I could so they would be showing up at any moment. I quietly said a prayer over her safety and everything turns out fine.

"Why haven't we heard anything? It's been an hour and a half." Aaliyah impatiently walked back and forth in the waiting area. We were all sick of waiting but if it meant they were doing everything they can for Serenity then so be it.

"Family of Miss Knight?" We all stood up holding our breaths. This could go in two directions. "There's both good and bad news. Good news is it was minor cuts and bruises and now she's resting."

"And the bad news?"

"Unfortunately due to some factors along stress, we couldn't save the baby."

Baby? We all looked at each other. Serenity was... pregnant. How did we not see the signs? Yeah she's been eating some weird combinations and gained a few but that was it.

"Wait- a baby? How is that possible?" The doctor gave Melanie a look and she shook her head. "I know that! But we haven't seen symptoms."

"They occur differently for each woman. The earliest symptom could be a few mood swings."

Well Serenity has been acting out lately but it didn't occur she was pregnant. I was going to be a dad. My baby was having my baby.

"I think I need a minute." I quickly left and stood outside the entrance. I felt like I was being suffocating. I couldn't breathe.

I always wanted a child of my own. So I could give them what I never had, give them the love I barely experienced.

"You okay?" I turn my head and see Joel with a sympathetic look. I didn't know how to answer. "You couldn't have known. None of us could've. Don't blame yourself."

"Maybe it is. I pushed Serenity away. It's my fault she's been acting out, my fault she's in here in the first place—" My words became muffled by my own cries. This shattered me.

"You're okay. You're okay." He consoled rubbing my back. I let everything out. I just can't get the image of her out my mind. What was hurting inside her was our baby. "Serenity is gonna need you. You gotta be strong for her. I need you to do that."

"I can't face her. Not after the things I said to her."

"If anything, thats going to be the last thing on her mind. When she wakes up so will the press and she's gonna need all the love and support she can get. Be there for your girl."

im tired but i wanted to give y'all something. goodnight! 💗 leaving this here...

 goodnight! 💗 leaving this here

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