thirty eight

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chapter thirty eight.
home not so sweet home.
part one.

J A C E.

Walking down these streets made me feel uneasy. It's like nothing has really changed around here. Serenity was like a baby on its first airplane ride, she was looking and observing everything.

"So do you wanna make any stops?" She asks hopeful. I know she was trying to get me to lighten up a bit but I won't. I left for a reason and had no intentions of returning.

"Nah. I'm good." I declined. I hear her sigh as we continue walking. A few fans went ahead and stopped us for the usual. I was becoming accustomed to it now.

"I really wish you would acting so stubborn." She speaks up as we head inside an antique store. She does this thing where before or after each show she buys something and puts it in a box. "I thought you would be grateful to be back."

I shrugged. "I don't know what to want me to say." She had that defeated look on her face and walked ahead of me. I appreciate her efforts, I do, it's just— I don't know. I watched while she had her eyes on a Louisville jersey. It was similar to her Houston one just red and black. She picks up two and goes to the counter.

"Thank you." She grins before grabbing her bag and walking out without even looking at me. I caught up to her while she was typed on her phone. "The other one is for you by the way. Something to remember home by since you have no intentions of coming back."

She definitely knows how to make a guy feel guilty. I grab her arm gently and she halts in her stop. She moves in closer and my arms wrap around her. "I'm sorry, okay? I know you're trying to make things better."

"This is where you're from Jace. You can't run from it, no matter how fucked up the background story is. It's in your blood. You were born here. Take pride in it."

"Okay. Okay I hear you. So are you ready to head back?" She shakes her head no and I give her a confused gaze. "Where could you possibly need to go now?"

"Promise not to get mad?"

"No but keep going."

"I, uhh— maybe, sorta, kinda planned this thing at this restaurant with a person and—"

"What thing? And what person?" The more I ask questions, the more she got antsy.

"You know what? It's no big deal." She says quickly reaching for her phone but I take it from her hand. "Can I have my phone back please?"

"Say what you were gonna say. You might as well say it now. You've already started."

"It's nothing!"


"Can we just drop this? I mean it's absurd now—" Her mouth closed when she heard the phone vibrate in my hand. She gave me a pleading look to not answer but my reaction was to.

"Who's this?" I snap and Serenity looked like her head was going to burst at any second.

"Hello? Serenity?" The voice sounded so familiar to me. It was deep and a bit raspy like they were old of age. "Is my son still with you?"

I froze up. Everything around me had just stopped in its place. The sound of my heart beat was like I was standing next to speakers. "Dad?"

The person on the other line went silent. I could hear the heavy breathing. "Jace, is that you?"

My throat ran dry. I couldn't even speak. I quickly pressed the red button and threw Serenity's phone back at her. She caught it just in time before it fell. "What. Did. You. Do."

Her eyes were big. So big I could see her eye color from where I was standing. "I thought it would be nice for you to see him again."

"Were you gonna even ask how I felt?"

"I knew you were going to say no—"

"Because it's my choice!" I yelled angrily making her flinch. "You were just going to put us in a room together after years of not speaking—"

"He's your father! He gave you life for fucks sake and you're treating him like a stranger. I understand how you felt back then but he wants to make it right now. At least give him a chance Jace."


"Are you seri— you know what? I don't even care. It's your life." Is she—

"You're catching an attitude with me? I should be catching one with you! This is your fault."

"My fault? Please tell me how this is my fault. Because I care about you? You wanna know what your problem is? You're scared. And I get that but running is going to make these things worse."

I truthfully didn't want to hear anymore so I nudged past her and started walking. "Where you going?" I ignored her and soon I heard her heels gain up on me. "I'm sorry. Can you—"

"I'll be back before the show, okay?" I didn't wait for her response, I just walked off. I didn't know where but I needed to clear my head.

last day of 2017, this year has been ehh. i gained friends, lost friends, cried, rejoiced and all of the above. let's hope 2018 will bring more lessons and blessings ✨🌻

elysian ➝ n.k • b.tWhere stories live. Discover now