Just a quick message :)

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I hope this doesn't drone on for too long.

I just want to say that I started this book all the way back in March. I've grown to love you all so much. You're all so sweet and you help me in so many ways that I can't even begin to describe.

I almost don't even want to go on hiatus because of that. Also I'm scared I might not come back. So I have backup plans put in place. Maybe I just really need to take this break?

But honestly I've had a really, really tough week to the point where I just have no motivation to do anything or enjoy anything at the moment and usually this books helps me with that but one day this book will be over with so I have to find a way to get along without it or you guys.

lol I've just been hurt and ignored so many times and then judged because I'm closed off and made fun of because of it. I'm so tired of this cycle and the bad thing is that it's my friends and family who do it to me.

I can't really look at my mom right now without wanting to cry because she's just so...

But I just wanted to say that I love you all and I'll try to be back soon. I really hope I come back. I really do.

I only say that because I tend to lose interest in things quickly and the longer I'm away from something, the easier it gets for me to never come back to it. That's mostly why most of my books aren't completed.

Also, sorry I haven't really been on private message lately. Don't take it personal if I haven't responded back just a lot going on with me rn.

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