N I N E T Y - S E V E N

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Twenty Six Years Old ❣︎ March

"We could get a puppy instead? The sounds fun huh?" Jughead suggests on the way to the orphanage.

"Juggy, we're not getting a puppy, we're getting a child."

"But puppies are cuter."

"I thought you wanted to go through with this?" Archie pouts.

Jughead had agreed to this after thinking about it even more for the past couple of months. He wants this. He wants to be a family, he wants to love more than he does already, but he still can't help but to doubt himself, something he will never stop doing. He can't help but to feel as if he's going to ruin a poor child's life.

Archie thought all of those doubts were complete bullshit. He can't think of anyone more fitting to be a parent. He's so caring when he allows himself to love people, just look at Jelly Bean, his dad, his friends, and Archie. The redhead knows that the minute someone at the orphanage takes an interest in him, all of his husband's doubt will disappear.

"I do want to go through with this but I'm scared. Puppies love you unconditionally and they don't tell you they hate you and it's easy to comfort them when they're upset. You can't really mess up when it comes to a puppy unless you forget to feed them or take them to appointments or you abuse them. Puppies are less easy to disappoint." Jughead explains as Archie just rolls his eyes.

"You're going to be a good dad, I can feel it."

"How would you know?"

"Because you're a good brother and the best husband and a magnificent friend and an amazing person all around."

"I hate that you still make me blush."

"That's what I'm here for."

The car stops and the driver comes to view as he pulls open the door for the couple. Jughead immediately smiles, thanks the man, and tells him to have a safe trip going back. Everyone who works with or has worked for Jughead absolutely loves him. I guess you could say he's very loved and the world is always looking forward to seeing what he's doing, but the raven haired beauty doesn't act that way at all.

He doesn't drive around in flashy cars, but he does prefer to be driven places on some days when he doesn't feel like waiting for the trains or always crowded subways. In fact, he loves the subway because people come up to him about his books and he likes meeting fans. He likes having intelligent conversations and he likes viewing the people who essentially know his deepest thoughts and secrets. It's pretty amazing, and he doesn't really view the conversations as "author to fan", it's more like "person to person", and he's glad he's not the kind of famous where he can't go to a local Starbucks without getting mobbed.

He likes his loft apartment with his husband, filled with his books and his boyfriend's guitars and a nice kitchen that is hardly ever used because they both can't cook, and he likes the spare bedroom next door that will soon house their child, although he feels pretty young to be taking care of a child. He likes his life, he's actually happy with it for once.

Their driver drives off and Jughead shoots Archie another nervous look before taking a deep breath and opening the door to the orphanage. The place is bustling with children in the big open area down the hall and Archie can't help but to get excited at the fact that they're actually doing this.

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