Swap 2 - Roman x Virgil & Patton x Logan

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"Thomas!" Logan yelled as soon as he appeared, the others appearing after. "Something happened! We don't know what but we switched bodies!"

"Woah, Patton, calm down" Thomas replied. "No! I'm Patton" Patton said, "And I'm Logan" Logan added. Thomas stared at them like they were crazy.

"Logan is in my body, I'm in his, Virgil is in Romans body while Roman is in his" Patton explained, adjusting his tie.


"Yes really! It's really weird! I have emotions, Thomas! EMOTIONS! and now I'm crying!" Logan yelled, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Yes, and I do not feel any emotions. It is strange, we do not know how it happened" Patton said, pulling Logan into a side hug. Logan clung onto him and sobbed. Pattons been in that situation before, sometimes the sadness can over take him and make him cry, it's happening to Logan but Logan can't control it.

"Thomas, I like myself" Virgil said in disbelief, "THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN! I'm quite fabulous but I don't like it! Change us back!" He complained, using wild hand gestures.

Thomas stuttered for some sort of reply, he was super confused, all of this information in the early hours of the morning?

"Please help us! I don't like this!" Roman paused to breath in sharply, it's not often that he felt any sort of anxiousness or panic in situations like these but it was becoming unquestionably hard for him to keep himself under control.

"Um..I uh...What?" He managed to get out. Patton sighed and shook his head.

"Have you not listened? We literally just explained to you what happened!"

"I know! I- I understood you but...how can you change bodies?" He asked, he couldn't think of anything that happened in the past twenty four hours for this to happen.

"We do not know, Thomas" Patton straightened his tie, letting Logan stand up straight and sniffle.

"It must of happened during the night, we all went to sleep in our rightful bodies" Patton explained.

"Is there anything we can do?" Thomas questioned. Again Patton didn't know and the others were becoming worried, what if they never change back?

Roman couldn't do it anymore, his breathing became short and sharp, he fell to the floor and hugged himself tightly, clenching his eyes shut.

"Roman!" Logan exclaimed, rushing to his side. Virgil sat next to him and told him his breathing technique, Patton knew he would be okay so he faced Thomas.

"Do you feel different at all?" He inquired.

"No, I feel normal" Thomas replied, gazing at Roman with a worried look. "Will you guys be okay?"

"I honestly do not know, Thomas" Patton sighed.

After Roman had calmed down he stayed close to Virgil on the floor while Logan stood up. "This has happened before in movies! Characters swap with other ones and they have to do things to change back! Maybe we could do the same?"

"This is not a movie, Logan" Patton replied, already shutting down his idea.

"It's worth a shot" Virgil said, hugging a shaking Roman tightly.

"What movie do you have in mind?"

"Umm...what about the one where the Mother and daughter change and in the end they change back because they both say they love each other?"

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