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I woke up with a pretty bad hangover, my head was laying down on Jonatan's chest. Everyone was still passed out, Ben and Micke on the other couch and i assume Axel went to his bunk and Ludwig was in his bunk. I closed my eyes as the sun peeked through the bus and i slightly moved causing Jon to wake up.

"Fuck I'm sorry Jon..." I sit up but soon pulled back on him. "No love! Lay back down i was comfortable." He smiles closing his eyes. I drifted off to sleep again more happy.


We were soon rudely woken up by Micke blasting some Gucci Mane and smoking a joint. I rolled my eyes snuggling up to Jon more. His hands are now playing with my hair and we are all up, everyone else came back to the front of the bus. Ludwig sits by me but lifts my legs so they are now on top of him. He kinda ignores me while he cuts up some more lines. You would think they would be done hitting lines but these dudes are hardcore. He offers me some but i almost declined... Till Jon asked him to hand the tray over to him. He puts it on his finger, soon bringing it to my mouth. "Open.." He says softly, i can feel the guys eyes all on me.

I open my mouth and he lays it on my tongue and instantly turns numb. I close my mouth wrapping my tongue around his fingers sucking the rest of the cocaine off. He smirks at me taking his finger out and taking a hit then laying his head back.

"So what do you say about staying with us tonight again? You can stay in the bus or sit by Axel , Mickie and Ludwig's dj set." Jon said with a slur indicating that the drugs hit. I nodded," Yeah ill sit on stage."


The bus went to the next venue and the guys did soundcheck while I played on Snapchat taking pictures with Axel and playing with filters. We shared a few laughs and we exchanged numbers. He was so sweet,he cares for the guys and we started to become friends as the day went by.

Jonatan kept turning back and flirting with me and making me giggle. But i could tell Ludwig was getting annoyed by his glares between Jonatan and i. And Jonatan finally notices that Ludwig keeps looking at us. Then suddenly He pulls him aside off stage and start arguing. My eyes widen but i couldn't understand because they were talking in Swedish.
I look at Axel and he sits next to me softly translating the conversation the best he can in English.

"They are arguing about you.. They both like you... ." He sighs. I look down,"its my fault that their friendship will go to shit." I softly say to myself. "Shh no Luna its not your fault, they are being childish and need to sort it out like men" he says pulling me into a hug. I sigh. I'm so confused... I like Jonatan but something about Ludwig makes me gravitate towards him.

Later on i can feel the tension between Ludwig and Jonatan on stage. Axel kept an eye on me the whole time on stage making sure i was okay. I assured him that I'm fine and I'm enjoying the show. Which I was, but it still bothered me to know that they both want me. I played on my phone for a while but also recorded the show and posted it on my Instagram. I also posted the pictures that ive taken the time span I was with the boys, and the one with Lean kissing my cheek.

But i soon started to get hate and the fan girls were saying nasty things about how i was just a groupie and will get kicked to the curb soon. I rolled my eyes and ignored them paying my attention back to the show.
Jonatan ended up giving me a relxer on stage as he saw that i was kinda anxious.

He played Hennessey and Sailor Moon but he kept looking back at me smiling. I sang along to the song and felt the pill kick in. I felt a chill vibe go throughout my body making me sluggish.

The show ended so we all headed to the back and got mobbed by fans and Ludwig grabbed me by my arm pushing through the fans, we got onto the bus as the guys took photos with them. I sat in his bunk half awake. He gave me his jacket to warm me up because my outfit wasn't helpful.

"Look you can sleep in my bunk, you look so slumped babe." He says helping me lay into the bunk, he gave me a kiss on the forehead. I nodded wrapping up in his blanket and smuggling up in his jacket. I let his welcoming smell of him take over and my eyes soon shut.

|| What do you think will happen between Jonatan and Ludwig??
And how do you feel about this book so far?||

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