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I sat at my laptop on Jonatans bed looking at nothing interesting. My life wasn't as exciting as you would think. I usually like to stay in, and so do the guys most of the time when they are home from touring and shows but they occasionally go out.
"Everything okay?" He moved closer to me, giving him a smile and a nod. "Good,want to smoke a fatty?" He said grabbing his tray that held all the materials he needed. He rolled up and we turned on some music, i preferred Joji. He is so talented and just so good. We smoked the fat blunt and passed it back and forth till it was gone. "I cant feel my legs.. Or my body..." I giggle laying on Jonatan as he leans back on the headboard. "Good baby girl. Let your problems melt away." He kissed my head and i space out.

"HEY! JONA-... Oh shit sorry didn't know she was in here but.. Uh im going to go work and lud is running along.... Uh be back in a few..." Was all Ben said rushing out awkwardly. "Ben works? Didn't know he has a side job?" I was confused. "Yeah... Uh.." "What does he do?" I pushed. "He.. well-... Sells." He sits up and puts his hands over his face. " Oh... Hes okay tho right?" I got worried, that can be dangerous. "Yeah hes with Lud, they can handle the grind." Jonatan got up grabbing my hand and pulling me to the kitchen.

"Enough with them, im hungry." He hinted at me. I pull out some take out we had last night and warmed it up. We say in silence eating.

The door swung open and it was Ludwig covered in blood and had a busted lip."GUYS! ITS BEN! SOME BIG DUDES JUMPED HIM AND I TRIED TO HELP BUT THEY HAD ME PINNED TO THE WALL IN AN ALLEY! " He walked back and forth in the living room. We all got up rushing to get our things. "WHERE'S BEN!" Jonatan screamed running to the door, i ran behind him getting in the drivers seat. "Hospital downtown!" Ludwig got in the back while Jonatan jumped in the front, axel and Micke got in the back.
I sped off to the hospital, my mind raced,thinking the worst. My high was instantly gone and i was in panic mode. The guys were talking in Swedish angrily and i focused on getting there.
We finally made it and we all ran inside, the lady let Jonatan and Axel go in while we waited.

"Here Ludwig come to the bathroom so we can clean up your face." He followed me and he sat on the countertop. I got the wet napkin softly wiping his lip and mouth. "FUCK!" He hissed, "Well stop moving around!" I snapped. "Fuck... I wish i could of helped him Luna.. These guys hurt him and now he's in bad conditions... It all my fault.." He starts to cry. "Its not your fault, you were being restrained." I hug him and i started to cry with him.
"Let's go see if we can go up.." I say grabbing his arm walking back to the waiting room with Micke. "Lets go we can go up now." He said guiding Lud and I up to Bens room.

I ran by Bens side crying and his heart monitor was beeping at a calm speed. He was unconscious and was in a small coma. "Were going to find these assholes that did this to you Ben!" Jonatan held Bens lifeless hand. The guys all stood around and Axel was on the phone with someone but i couldn't understand what he was saying.
"Nino and Zak is stopping by.." Was all Axel said walking outside.

I sat on Jonatans lap next to Bens bed. He held on tight to me, i ran my fingers through his red hair trying to keep him calm. "Everything will be okay." I say into his ear giving him a kiss on his head. Zak and Nino came in and Jonatan told me to move so he can get up. The rest all stood up and headed out.
"Luna stay here with Ben just in case he wakes up okay? We'll be back, we have some unfinished business to do.." He gives me a long kiss.
"Jonatan please dont get hurt! Or anything that can make you go to jail..." I say hugging him tightly. "Don't worry..." He said holding on to me.
"Luna... I love you.." He said holding on and kissing me, i kissed him back crying. "I love you." I says as he detached himself from me. He runs out leaving me with Ben.

This is the first time he's actually said he loves me.. It scared me because whats if this was the last time i see him...

I started to cry, i looked at the big hospital bed and decided to lay next to Ben till he wakes up..

"Please wake up Ben.. We need you.. Jonatan and the boys are taking care of the guys who did this..." I sob kissing his cheek while clinging to his arm

I DON'T BELIEVE IN LOVE NO MORE  - Yung Lean FicWhere stories live. Discover now