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The house was quite, seems like Micke and Axel went out, Ben was with his new girlfriend, Ludwig was in his room. Jonatan and I were in the living room watching TV in our pajamas at 2 in the afternoon and smoking as usual. After yesterday I felt like I really needed to just relax with Jonatan and enjoy our time together. His arm was around my shoulder and my head was laying on his chest. Everything felt calm and I was okay, I didn't feel like having a breakdown, I felt relaxed. The show playing was Tom and Jerry in black and white, every once in a while you could hear Jon laugh at the show. Cat and mouse chasing each other. The sound of his laugh was music to my ears, I loved every bit of it. Then the thoughts of Ben's touch rushed back into my head. A wave of guilt hit me making me feel like a piece of shit for doing that to Jon.

"You okay?" He pulled me out of my thoughts about admiring him and the most horrible thing i could've done. He seemed concern for me, "yeah I'm fine, just a little in my head." Was all I said with a small smile.

"Wanna talk about it?" He pushed. "I.. I don't know if I should." I was contemplating if I should tell him.. I didn't want to hide anything from him and start a clean slate and for forgiveness.

"Okay but you can't yell at me or try to fight anyone." I emphasis on the fighting part.

"I'll try my best not to.. just.. please..tell me.." he begged.

"Well remember that night, where you went to the club in Tokyo,and you were with a girl. Then that night you took me home from the Cafe, and we had a down fall?" I reminded him of that night...

He nodded and you can tell the face of guilt hit him remembering that night.

"So.. after you said we weren't really dating and stuff. I was in that room crying, and crying. Ben came in to check on me, comforting me. Things.." I sighed, I knew the outcome of this, he sat there trying hard to read my face wanting yo know what the hell was going on.
I took a moment to gather all my thoughts and emotions, this wasn't as easy. Telling your boyfriend you slept with his best friend, after having a break with each other.

"Things... Got out of line.. I didn't expect it to happen. I felt like horrible person, in the moment it felt okay because I was looking for comfort and for my problems to melt away. But it only made my problems worse, because I thought about you and how it make you feel. Also to feel like I used Ben, just for a moment of relief, I'm horrible person Jonatan. Keeping this in has been killing me because I want to have a clean slate and fresh start, no more drama. I really love you, and this is why I'm telling you this." I put my head in my hands with a great feeling of disappointment.

"Luna... I... Ben.. well errmmm, Ben had told me what had happened a few weeks when he started dating his girl. I was waiting for you to come clean. I'm slightly upset but you know what." He waited for a response. "What.." my voice was a bit hoarse from trying not to cry.

"We can forget what happened and keep living life. I could have chosen to flip out and hold it against you but I don't want to lose you or my best friends. Forgive and forget?" He turned to me pulling me into a bear hug. I mumbled into his chest, "yes, I love you so much Jonatan."

A weight has been lifted off my chest, I can start clean and can grow from here.

"I love you too Luna, just please never do this again. I know we technically broke up that night but, sleeping with my best friend isn't right." He said pulling apart looking at me in the eyes.
I nodded my head, " I Pinky promise?" Sticking out my pink waiting for his. Jonatan smiled, "Pinky promise." Our Pinky's connected together.

Just on cue, Micke and Axel burst into the house, and as well as Ben with an annoyed face. "What we Pinky promising to?!" Axel tries to run but stumbled on his own feet, this indicated that he was drunk Micke stumbled his way to help him up. "Mind your business, your pissed man!" Jonatan shakes his head.

"Found them at the park pissed gone! So Sarah pulled over and took us all home." He dropped his keys and headed to his room. "Someone was upset.." I sighed. Micke and Axel were in the kitchen making food.

We continued to watch TV and sparked another joint. Inhaling the smoke, my head fell on Jonatans shoulder letting the smoke relax me. Passing it to him and I fixed my eyes on the TV laughing at the cartoons. "Here." He passed it back and we did this till it was gone.
The boys sat at the table giggling at whatever they we're talking about.

I had a feeling something was up with them two, more than just best friends. My eyes moved to the two lovey boys laughing their brains out.
"Have you noticed how they've been so... Ermm..." I paused trying not to seem crazy?
"Closer than best friend?" I whispered to Jonatan. "Nah they always like that. It's fine." He shrugged.

My stomach growled, "I'm hungry baby!" I whined. "I'll call for some food. Want Chinese food?" He suggested, I nodded playing on my phone.

I was on Twitter doing really nothing, just scrolling through my timeline. Talking to some internet friends I've made. "What you looking at?" Jon leaned over looking at my phone. "Nothing just Twitter." He took it and hid, what he was doing. "Please don't do anything dumb!!" I whined . Knowing him he would do something dumb. He finished pressing send for everyone to see. He knows his fans, alongside the rest who like the boys follow me.

@ luna2001:

" @ Yungleann is the best, y'all others are lame bro"

I laughed at the tweet, it was so random but whatever. "You're a dork Jon!" I giggle turning my phone screen off.

We passed our time waiting for the food to arrive, by playing some Mario kart, of course I win, I'm the best in the house.

"This isn't fair! You always cheating!!!" He pouts throwing the controller on the side of him, it landed on the ground. "Don't be a baby! Maybe next time!" I giggle.

There was a knock on the door so I made my way to the door with money in hand. "Your total is 294.51 SEK" the guy said. I handed him the money grabbing the food thanking the kind guy, closing the door. Setting the food on the table I signaling Jon to come and eat. "Food Jonatan!!" He sat in the living room playing game by himself.

"Bring it in here!" He was too busy trying to win. "Fine but if you make a mess I'm not cleaning that shit up." Nagging at him. "Yeah yeah.." was his reply.

I sighed, bringing the food over, I dug in because the munchies kicked in hard and I'm starving. He finally started eating and not much talking.

// Hi feed back would be helpful! 💞 Also please keep voting on each chapter. I stay motivated if I know you guys like it ❤️ Also I don't think I've ever thank you guys for the 2k reads. But thank u, it's not much really but I really appreciate y'all!! I'll be writing more often!//

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