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||3rd Person POV||

It's Christmas day and everyone was still sleep well, except Micke, he couldn't sleep much, he's still fighting the urges not to drink or take any drugs. He sat outside watching the sky turn purple to pink, while chain-smoking a few cigarettes. He stressed day after day, he wanted to drink and do drugs like the rest of his mates. They tried to refrain from drinking too much around Micke.
"Good morning.." a familiar voice came from behind him. It was a shirtless axel. Micke turned around giving him a small smile, Axel knew Micke was struggling a lot and he was there for Micke when he felt like relapsing. Axel came behind Micke giving him a hug, "Merry Christmas Micke Mouse" Sherm smiled sweetly into his neck. Micke sighed leaning into Axel's shirtless body, the two wanted to stay like this forever.

The two hid this from everyone, they were more than just best mates. They were more than good at hiding this from their friends it's been going on since they met Luna.

"Wanna go back inside its cold and we can make some food and wake everyone up." Axel spoke into Mickes ear slightly brushing his lips against his ear. All Micke did was nod and got up grabbing Axel by the waist walking into the flat.

The two made French toast with eggs and fruit. They both goofed around quietly while the rest slept in. They set up the table and the food getting things ready for everyone.

"Wanna go jump into everyone's bed to wake them?" Micke suggested. Axel shrugged and started to run into Ludwig room, then Ben's, after to Jonatans room where Luna was asleep in his arms.

Everyone slowly walked into the kitchen and sat sleepily at the table. "Wow you guys were up early.." Luna yawned.

Soon after everyone else was done eating and they all migrated to the living room to open presents.

Luna handed everyone their gifts she had bought for the boys.
"I hope these are okay guys..." She fidgeted with her fingers watching the boys open the gifts.

Their faces all lit up and thanked her, Jonatan got up hugging her tightly giving her a long kiss. "I love it so much thank you babes!!" He smiled sweetly at her.

Everyone passed out their gifts around to each other. Everyone seemed so happy and pleased with their gifts.
Of course it's not about the amount they spent on gifts or gifts in general, they were just happy to be around each other.

"Uh can we talk Axel... In uh... My room??" Micke stood up walking towards his room, Axel closely behind him. Micke closed the door locking it, axel didn't know what was going on, all he thought was it wasn't good thing...

"Here wanted to give this to you in private... You know because everyone else..." He handed over a small box. Sherman's heart was pounding, that's all you can hear in the quiet room, was the two boys heartbeats.

He opened the small box in it was a necklace that had a rose gold 'M' on it. Axel smiled wide tackling Micke on the bed kissing him. "I love it Micke!" He kissed him Sweetly. Micke puts it on axel and they both smiled.

Micke really loved axel, and he'd do anything for the kid. When Axel was brokenhearted by the ex gf, Micke was there for him, when Axel wanted affection and love, Micke was the one there. Axel was there for Micke many times, withdrawals, relapsing, affection and heartbreaks. The two boys were there for each other many times.
They grew close and neither was scared to admit that to each other.
They weren't ready to tell anyone else but someday they will be ready.

||Sooooo 😜 kinda an plot twist.. I hope you don't mind, I know this is a book about Luna and Jon... But I needed something new. But sorry I haven't updated.. been going through shit and writers block. But if you're reading this I hope you had a great holiday and happy new years. More plot twist and chapters to come. Also in working on a Bladee boom too ((: ||

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