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Things seemed to be getting better but the drug issue is still very much here to stay. The guys cant quit, its basically apart of their life's and they all are battling with their demon's. But we all been going out for drinks as a group, laughing and enjoying life a little more before they all go to the country side to work on their music. I was so proud of everyone, but it made me sad because i would have to drive back to the flat to check on things and always fill orders. I like working for them, it give me more experience and i somewhat help manage their schedules.
I was now helping them pack their belongings and helping them prepare for their trip that was an hour away. "JONATAN! MICKE! STOP FUCKIN AROUND AND GET YOUR STUFF TOGETHER!" I scream from the office that Emilio and i are practically in all the time.
"You'd think they'd be happy and wanting to already leave. So is it just gonna be us?" He asked while he worked from his laptop. I nodded, "Yeah but every other day Jonatan said we can go an check on them and visit."
"Seems okay with me." He proceeded to work, i was putting together their equipment in bags.
I can hear Micke play fighting with Jon and Ben cheering them on. At times you would assume they would act more like adults but you think about it they are in their early 20's. I was the youngest being 19 almost 20 in February

I walk out to the guys still play fighting but this time Ben was on top of Jonatan helping Micke. I go to check on Axel and Ludwig to see if they are ready. To my surprise they were all packed and sitting in the kitchen area eating and watching the guys play.

"OKAY! JON! BEN! MICKE! GET READY OR YOU GUY MIGHT AS WELL STAY AND POSTPONE THE ALBUM!" I yell at them and they actually stopped getting up and walking into their rooms. I roll my eyes then looking at Axel and Ludwig, they were snickering. "Wow! That actually worked." Axel said, i nodded and winked at them walking in the long hallway to jonatans room.
"Can u help me pick out and fold my clothes?" He said with a pout. I shook my head no, only because hes a big boy. "Please babygirl!!" He kisses my face, from my cheeks, nose, lips, forehead.
I giggle grabbing his face and giving him a long intimate kiss. When im with him, all my worries melt away, feeling protected in his presence. This kiss lasted for a few minutes then i pulled away to help him.
I dug through the large closet finding shirts,pants,and jackets because its becoming colder. He sat back saying "yay" or "nae" to different clothing items. Sometimes hes so picky and it irritated me at times like this.
We finally decided on what clothes and i jump on his king size bed next to him folding everything up neatly putting it in his LV duffel bag.

"Im going to miss you Jon.." Putting my head on his shoulder. "Baby its okay you'll be over every other day. But i will miss you too." He smiled making sure i was okay. I nodded kissing him, i finally got all his stuff packed and he was ready for tomorrow.

"Lets go for a nature walk and pop a few? We can bring the boys?" He pulls out a small baggie with molly in it. I nod get up heading to my room to get my shoes on and a fur coat.
"Guys! Who wants to go on a nature walk?" He says to the guys and showed them the baggie. Micke, Axel, and Ben nodded putting their jackets on. It was now beginning to rain and randomly snow now. The rest of the guys actually decided to go with us but they said they're only smoking for now.

We headed out away from town which took 20 minutes to get to the forest like area. We took the pills and just kept walking and taking enjoying each other's company. Emilio's girlfriend decided to come too, i didn't really know her but she seems so sweet and truly loves Emilio. She hung around him the whole walk and kinda kept to herself.

"Luna looks like a fluffy ball!" I hear Axel's thick accent, he's now rubbing his face on my coat. Everyone was laughing because he was already high enough and he just took a pill. He clung on my arm while on my left Jonatan connected his hand with mines in a lazy grip. I felt the pill kick as we continued to walk, the trail stopped so we walk off it into the soggy leaf's and wet dirt.
"Look how beautiful everything is Babe. Life feels complete and having you here with me makes me feel better. Thank you for everything..." He spoke softly and i nodded giving him a warm smile.
We found a big boulder and sat in a circle. Emilio pulled out the weed, a grinder, and a clear bong and some blunts for the guys. They smoked and i watched them look happy like our troubles have been disintegrated off our backs. I lean into Jonatan laying my head in his lap looking up at the gray sky and the tree tops. My vision was more vivid and the colors were every enhance. My eye met Jonatan, we didn't break contact for awhile. He's so handsome and sweet, how did i get lucky? I know we aren't publicly a thing but i think people get the hint after our last post.
He pulls out his phone recording a small clip of us in a circle and Ben starts doing all those random hand movements and mumbling some shit. He points it to me as im still laying in his lap, i smile at him not the phone.

After everyone was fully high we got up walking to the edge of the Forest that faced the city. It was all so beautiful, nobody said anything but it was a comfortable silence.


We ended up heading back and stopping at a small diner. We all were coming down from our highs and it sucks because back to reality. We all ate and quietly chatted about random things. But my phone buzzed and it was Dev... I immediately started to get mad, what did she want. I unlock my phone but smile when I see my background of Jon and I. I got tense as he touched my leg.

Whats wrong?" He rubs my thigh trying to comfort me. "Dev.... She just texted me.. I haven't talked to her since i left the states.." I say opening the message. "Its okay just read what she had to say and if its not worth your time then erase the text and go on with your day." He says stuffing his face with food.

"Luna, i know that you don't want to hear from me but im sorry. I just still cant get through my head that you left your life for some druggies that make dumb music. You're probably fucking every dude in the house... And i see all over social media that your doing drugs and its has me worried. They turned you into a monster. You look sick and unhealthy Luna. I talked to your dad about this and he's not happy. Im sorry but you need help. Text me back when you see this. -Devyn "

I bit my lip so hard i felt blood in my mouth. I started to get up and Jon grabbed my arm. "What did she say! Sit down here and give her a call.. I want to hear what she had to say..." He pulls me down into the booth. Everyone was quiet waiting to see what happens. I didn't mind them knowing they are family and Emilio's girl gave me small frown. I call her phone on facetime and she picks up. It was silent for a minute but i spoke up finally.

"Why... Why the fuck do you decide to try to come back? I dont get it Dev, its my life and im living a dream with the people ive grown to love!! And so what if im not sober anymore? Im happy when im on em so what? You fucking do drugs all the time why do you care about me???" I tried not to yell.

"Luna look at you! Youre on drugs right now!!! What do they let you fuck all them for drugs? You probably fucked them all just to fix the mess Nate did! I don't care if they are sitting next to you. They are shitty and turned you into a druggie mess. Your mother would be so disappointed in you Luna... If she can only see her little girl now!" She spat through the phone. My heart started to race, why would she say that!

Everyone looked at me a felt bad, she just said stuff that didn't need to be brought up in front of them..

"Listen Devyn! I don't know you but i dont like you.. You have been nothing but nasty to Luna and she is a grown person to make her own decisions. And bring personal information into this situation doesn't make any sense.. That has nothing to do with this... And no she isn't fucking anyone, so just leave her alone. She'll be blocking your number and you from social media. Have a great day!" Jonatan hangs up and blocking her number and her from all my apps. I sat in silence now sober and depressed.

"Its okay lets get some ice cream and head home!" Femi got up grabbing my hand to the counter. I sigh, "i don't know why she had to bring up my past..."
"Shes toxic and no good. Im glad you moved away from her, its a new start and ill be here for you. I know we don't hang around but i can start coming around to hangout with you and the boys more."
She smiled and we grabbed our ice creams and head out the door where the guys were waiting. We talked all the way home and i had Jonatans hand in my other hand. The guys were talking about leaving tomorrow and what they plan on doing for the album.

I DON'T BELIEVE IN LOVE NO MORE  - Yung Lean FicWhere stories live. Discover now