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I don't know what to do anymore, this whole back and forth shit. I waited for Jonatan to wake up, I placed a glass of Sprite and aspirin on the small table by my bed. His body twitched as he slept and he slurs some random words, he looks at peace when sleeping. I love him...
"Or do you? If you did, you wouldn't have slept with his best friend.." My brain said. I scoffed rolling my eyes and lighting my last rolled joint.

"Fuck! Wh- where am I?" He woke up.
"My room.. You followed me in here drunk off your ass.." I laugh exhaling, his voice was raspy and the bags under his eyes were very noticeable. He ran his fingers through his faded red hair, he reached over for my joint.
I gave him a rude look, he can't just simply take my weed after all this shit.

"Don't be like that Luna. Just let me get a puff.." He rolled his eyes taking the joint out my hands, onto his lips inhaling.

"Uh.. I'm going to make breakfast.. Want anything?" I offered him, I didn't like ignoring him or fighting. I walked out and he followed along behind me with the Sprite in one hand.

It felt awkward but I brushed it off and got out some ingredients for breakfast. I turned on some music and danced along to it while making food. Jonatan's eyes followed my every move as I danced around the kitchen, he smiled when I caught him looking at me.

"Someone is in a good mood." I jumped a little, Ben and the rest of the guys came out their rooms into the kitchen. Axel helped me with the cooking and we both fooled around and sang along with the songs.

"Feeling better? Is everything okay with you and J?" Sherm whispered to me. "I'm okay, but not sure if things are okay. He was drunk last night and followed into my room and passed out. And this morning he was okay. But not sure.." I said quietly. He nodded and started serving the food.

The boys decided to go shopping for Christmas decorations and stuff for the house.

Finally they came back from the store, I cleared up the living room for the big tree they bought. Sherm turned on some Christmas music and started dancing with me. I sigh, "You're so embarrassing Shermy." He swung me around,his laugh filled the room and everyone was laughing along as they helped the set up everything. It's like something in the movies you would see, a big happy family type of thing. I wasn't complaining about it because I loved to see everyone having a good time. I lit a joint passing it on to Sherm and we did it in a rotation.

"Can I have this dance?" Axel stopped and I turned around, Jonatan was smiling holding his hand out. "Y..yeah." I replied holding on to his hand and one on his shoulder, Jonatan had one arm behind my back, the other holding my hand.
It was some old Christmas jazz song and we danced along, it felt like we were in our own worlds.

"Listen... I can keep saying sorry for shit I do. But that doesn't make up for the way I treat you. You don't deserve that, I love you and I'm trying my best. Please don't give up on me." He softly spoke to me. I nodded my head trying not to cry, "We can work this out. I love you Jon." I said back smiling, I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed.
"Okay guys lets start decorating the shit." Micke yelled causing us to pause.
We stopped and started putting the lights and stuff on it, I was pretty high by then but I was having fun. By then we were done but we have to put the star on the top,but I couldn't reach. "A little help here someone???" I glared at Jonatan. "Oh yeah right shawty is a little short." He laughed, I gave him a smack on the arm.
Jonatan squat down and told me to sit on his shoulders, so I did, he stood up and my head was as tall as the tree, I placed the star on the top and clapped in excitement.
"Okay put me down!" I Pat the top of his head, "Nope!" He gripped my legs and he started running. We ended up in his room, his door shut and, he dropped my down on the bed. "Ouch!!!" I whined trying to get up. "You're not leaving." He smirked and started to kiss me roughly.
"Miss. Your. Lips. Smile. Touch. laugh. I missed you." He said in between each kiss. I giggle attaching myself to him kissing him back.
I felt like us again and life was okay.

||• just wanted to say thank you for 1k reads (';
My writing isn't good but I'm working on it. Thanks everyone. •||

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