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*next morning*

The nurse came back in checking my bandages and took out my IV. Axel was still asleep by my side but Ben went to go get food and a change of clothes for me.

The lady tried her best to speak English, "You are ready for home, but come back in 1 week.. Check up with Doctor for these." She points at my bandages. I nod thanking her and she left the room

I was free from the wires and the room was filled with Axel soft snores. It wasn't long till Ben came back with food and clothes. He hands me a baggy joggers with a black oversized shirt. I laugh because they weren't my clothes.
"Sorry i was in rush so grabbed my clothes." His English was broken but they guys all spoke like that. He plopped down on the couch eating food. I get up and tried to untie the hospital gown bit struggled. "Could you help me?" I look back at Ben, he nods his head undoing the strings. I didn't really care about changing in front of them, so i put on the oversized clothes and sat back down waiting from Sherm to wake up. Ben looked flustered from me changing in front of him, he continued to eat watching tv.
"I look ridiculous right now!" I get up showing Ben. He smiled and shook his head 'no'. I heard Axel giggle, "No you look cute, are you ready to go?" I nodded grabbing my papers and medications they gave me.

The paper said that i was being treated for clinical depression. And i should be seen a therapist to help me. Great im fucking crazy...

We took a taxi back home and shortly arrived. The sky was dark and cloudy, it looked like it was going to snow so we headed in quickly. I can hear a faint sound of music coming from the studio, the house felt cold, empty and sad. I shrug it off heading to my room putting my old clothes away and hopping in the shower.
I sat in the big bathtub filled it with bubbles crying, crying because i feel so hopeless and alone yet i had the boys.
I heard a knock,it was Ludwig asking if he can come in i agreed and he opens the door.
I stared at the gray shower wall, but Ludwig waved his hands in my face. "Why...." Was all he said. I shrugged looking away. I heard the pill bottle being shaken, "So you're depressed.. This is serious Luna.." I didn't say anything, i felt unless and shouldn't talk. We sat in silence but it wasn't awkward, maybe 15 minutes later the water turned cold so i got up and slowly getting out the water. Ludwig helped me wrap a towel around my weak body. He guided me to my bed sitting next to me, we sat like this for a good minute.

My body was still weak and fragile from the indecent last week. I didnt move and let my hair drip down my back, i was in my head but brought back to reality when i see Ludwig hand me the clothes that Ben gave me earlier,i put them on slowly and i felt my body to limp again. I was now on the ground in a cradling position, but i didn't care silent cries left my body and Ludwig laid besides me trying to hold me.

"Dont... Just go.. " was all i managed to get out. He hesitated but soon left closing the door behind him. I lifted my body scooting to my stash table getting a perc and, i know i shouldn't but one wasn't going to hurt. I took it before anyone came in. I laid back into the same position i was in and waited... Waited for it to kick in and let it relax me taking the worries off my mind for now.

|| these chapters have been sad)): ||

I DON'T BELIEVE IN LOVE NO MORE  - Yung Lean FicWhere stories live. Discover now