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I went straight to the room with my heels in my hands. They were grabbing their things to bring up to the room. So many angry thoughts were going through my head and I felt hot, my skin was burning up. Unlocking the door, I set all my things on the floor of my room. Soon came in everyone except zak, Ludwig, Nino and... Jonatan. I gave micke, axel and Ben a confused look.

"They.. Went out but we decided to stay home and chill with you. Plus Micke is trying to sober up for good, no drugs or drinking." Axel sat down next to me, I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder.

Ben put some unreleased music from the group, I watched Micke make food and went to his room saying goodnight. Axel handed me a drink and I gladly accepted it, I realized it was lean but I didn't mind.

"What's with Micke? Why now?" I questioned the two boys sitting on both sides of me.

"We had talked about it with him, whenever we do a show he's too drugged up to remember how to function. And he sometimes gets out of hand. When we get back he might be put in rehab." Axel sighed heavily.

"Oh.. Well I wish him the best." I tried to sound hopeful

"What if Jonatan leaves me?.." I blurted out. I felt their eyes both on me, I looked down at my now half empty cup.

"Don't worry Luna, he loves you okay.." Ben softly replied.

I didn't believe that, he can easily snap back to old habits and leave me again. I felt that knot in my throat when you are about to cry, but I held myself together. Taking a deep breath I looked at Ben, "Yeah I'll give him the benefit of the doubt tonight."

The only sound in the room was the music playing on the speakers. The lean kicked in and I laid my head back on Axel. He hummed to the song playing, I felt relaxed, my mind wasn't racing anymore.

"Hand me my phone?" I mumbled to Axel, he reached to the small glass table and handed me my phone. I get on Snapchat and posted a few pictures of Sherm and I. My heart dropped when I opened a picture that someone sent me.

It was Jonatan with the same girl from the show. My blood boiled, standing up and running to my room, deciding whether I should leave for a bit and cool down or to stay here. The irrational thought was to leave so I won't be here when he gets back. I grabbed his jacket that I had on but I put it back down grabbing a big fur coat and my AF1. I can hear Axel and Ben yelling through the door telling me to open it,I ignored them grabbing everything I need for a long night out.
I unlock it rushing past them into the living room area to grab a joint. My body was shaking from the anger and my mind was running a million miles per hour at this point.

"Where are you going and what's going on?!" Axel yelled angrily walking towards me grabbing my arm.

"Why don't you ask Jonny boy!" I sarcastically spat back pulling out of his grip.

"What?!" Ben spoke up softly.

Sighing, "He's with that girl from earlier..." I scoffed, I headed towards the doors.

The room filled with silence, I was beyond annoyed and upset.

"Where are you going?.." axel spoke up. Without looking back "Don't know.... I don't know... But when he gets back I won't be here..." I said closing the door behind me.

With that I was off to who knows where. Walking out the elevator to the front of the hotel I stepped in to the cold. I just walked, where? I have no clue... Maybe to a small café, or an art gallery?
I decided why not both, I headed to the art gallery that was opened 24/7. The streets were always busy and buzzing, people still out and about.
I took out that joint I had in my bag and lit it. I puffed out the smoke and it eased my nerves. I slowly walked down a few streets to get to the place. By then I finished the joint feeling good and clam.

I get a text from axel saying that he loves me and hopes I'm safe. I locked my phone,putting it away and entered the gallery a few streets down.

"Whoa." Was all I got out walking in the place. Nothing but beauty of art plastered everywhere. I was In love with this place. I slowly walked around the big building.

I was quickly taken out of my thoughts by some guy.

"Sorry i didn't catch that.." I turned to him.

"I said, this place is better at night. It's beautiful." He smiled looking around the white room filled with art. He had an English accent.

"Yes it is. I'm Luna by the way." I shook his hand.
"Hey, I'm Marcus. From your accent, I can see you're from America?" He questioned.

I nodded laughing,"Correct. And you? Maybe from the UK?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yup correct I'm from Cheshire." He chimed, he seems so happy and bubbly. I nodded.

We walked around for awhile talking about the art and joked around. I was enjoying his presence.

"So what's a gal like you doing out late by herself?" He asked

Fuck I really didn't want to even bring this up to a complete stranger that I just met 20 minutes ago.

"Wanna get some coffee, I can tell you as we walk? I'll pay." I offered
He agreed, we both walk across the street to a small café.

I explained everything that happened tonight without trying to cry. I left out that he's Yung Lean.

"So he just left with her? Why did he go??" He asked, I wasn't ready for this question but I had to.

First we ordered some coffee and picked a small table in the back.

I sighed, "Well I don't know of you know him but he's Yung Lean?" I answered with a question.
His eyes widened,"You're the girl he's with! Honestly I..I'm sorry for how he's treating you.. " he frowned.

"It's okay, I feel good talking about this because I'm best friends with his friends so its hard to talk about this with them." I smiled drinking my coffee

"So I assume you listen to him?" I smirked. "I heard a few songs. He's okay, but don't think I'm here because you are dating him. I really like talking to you, you aren't stuck up and you're humble." Marcus Expressed.

I thanked him and we changed the subject.

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I DON'T BELIEVE IN LOVE NO MORE  - Yung Lean FicWhere stories live. Discover now