Baby, They Call Me Monster [Agust D]

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This was requested by Min_Bethany_02. I hope you like it. Happy Reading! <3


My eyelids fluttered open, revealing the world around me. My back kept repeatedly hitting against a wall, crashing over and over again. It had now gone numb, only leaving it to feel the deeper feeling of pain. The ground below me seemed to shake, bouncing me up and down. My mind was groggy, but I could feel something wasn't right.

The place smelled like sweat and rust. I took a quick look around; I found some steel pipes, rope, and a bag. The room was small, walls encasing me in. There was a small window on one of the walls that was next to me, but I couldn't see through it. I tried moving a hand out of my lap, but it was connected to something. I looked down, and from what my eyes could make through the dark, I saw handcuffs on them. That caused my heart to jump to my throat.

I could feel myself start to panic. I tried struggling against the handcuffs, but they were chained together . . . like any normal handcuffs. I could feel myself start to become more frantic as I pulled at them. I wanted out. I wanted to be free. I couldn't be stuck in this situation. I was dead. I must of been kidnapped. I couldn't help but think of the worst that was yet to come.

The room seemed to stop, jolting forward. Not expecting the sudden stop, I bounced against the wall, my head bashing into the steel material. Pain sparked through my head, my small voice crying out into the room. It was quick and short, but I heard some sort of engine turn off through my pain. I stopped, forgetting all about the pain. I was in a car, well, a van to be exact.

I heard footsteps outside the car, some deep sounding voices ringing out. I was starting to hyperventilate. They had taken me from work. Last I knew was myself walking down the street, but all was fuzzy from there. I was now somehow in a van with people outside it. I had to be dead, or worse.

Scaring me half to death, one of the walls opened. They were now occurring to me that they were doors. On the outside of them was a few guys, but the one that caught my attention was the platinum blonde-haired one. He looked tough with a cut on his cheek, a white button-up shirt on. He looked exhausted, but when his brown eyes fixated on me, an evil looking smile crossed his lips. I felt myself gulp.

"Boys, leave us to it," he said, taking a quick look over me. I could see he was trying to savor the moment. Maybe he was going to kill me. Maybe he was going to rape me. I wasn't completely sure. I was just scared out of my wits to do anything. "She's mine for now."

I wanted to yell out, to say something to get a passerby's attention. But, with the sound of no one outside besides the men and how dark it was, I figured it was sometime at night where no one stumbled about. Only an idiot would come out; and that idiot was me.

The blonde haired guy hopped into the back of the van. Crawling on his hands and knees, his eyes watched me the entire time. I could feel mine widen, looking at the entrance. The doors were closing. My heart was skipping beats. I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry and hide in a hole. I couldn't take the guy's pinning glare, watching me the entire time.

The room went dark.

I heard myself squeak at the next action that took place. The guy's hand slammed my shoulder into the wall, pinning it there. I could barely see him there, but I could feel his eyes boring into me. His hot breath hit my face, and mint-like smell to it. At least I would go down with a mint-smelling breath instead of a gross, gag worthy one. That almost made me laugh.

"What's such a pretty thing like you wandering around this time of night?" he asked quietly, his voice rough and low, deep and thick. It was terrifying, yet intriguing. I could feel myself being drawn in by it. I wasn't sure what was wrong with me at the moment.

"Maybe a pretty thing like me would like some space," I said quietly, almost out of breath. I wanted it to come out louder and confidently, but I was too pinned under his spell to do anything about it.

He chuckled a bit, sending shivers down my spine. My mind was spinning. His laugh made me want to draw nearer. Why was this guy so easy going in a way that made me feel okay? "You got some nerve talking to me like that. You're a feisty one. I like that . . . I like that a lot in a woman like you."

"Why am I here?" I asked, trying to get to the point. He did have a point; I was being "feisty" or whatever he called me, but I just wanted to get out of there. Maybe I could pay him something to let me go. "Maybe a woman like me wants to be free. Why don't you respect that?"

I heard him shift for a moment at that question. I smiled a little, knowing I caught him where he was. Little did I know that he would come crashing back down with a comeback. "I respect women. I respect you. I just want you too much for my own good. Can't you just have a guy have some fun before you ruin it?"

"Just give me a point why I'm here. Give me some sort of idea to where I can understand what's happening." I could feel my fear starting to kick in. My body was starting to shake from the adrenaline, but I ignored it. I couldn't deal with it now.

"You're mine now," he said, his voice blank. It was like his gnashing words were gone, leaving him in a hollow shell. I couldn't understand how he changed that fast. "We're at my house now. I'm not letting you leave my side. You will learn to love me. Maybe later on we could do something about our love, but until then, we will keep it to a minimum for your convenience."

An uncontrolled laugh escaped my mouth for a second before I bit my lip to keep it held in. I needed to stay calm. I needed to for my own good. I sucked in a shaky breath, letting it out. "You're insane, aren't you? You're one of those psychos you see on TV. You're not going to do anything to me. You're too soft for me. How was I so blind?"

His low chuckle startled me, making my head spin. My brain was starting to hurt from how hard the impact was on my head when I hit the wall. "Sweetcheeks, you're the one that's blind. Yes, I'll respect you, yes, I'll treat you like a proper lady, but when it comes to being a psycho, I am not one. You have that totally wrong."

"Then what are you then?" I asked, starting to grow curious. What the hell was he? It was hard to tell by his intentions. He was talking, seeming to be completely there, but was he really?

"Oh, baby, my name's Agust D," he brought his mouth to my ear, murmuring into it. His lips brushed up against it as he spoke. I gave an involuntary shiver. "They say I'm many things, but I'm more of a monster than anything."

Taking me off guard, his lips roughly crashed into mine, wanting to take control. I felt my eyes widen with surprise, totally taken off guard with what he did. He was insane it seemed like; he was off his rocker; he had black blood flowing through his veins. It was nothing like I had seen before. I felt like I was refreshed to see the world as it was, though. It was like a wake up call to what really happened out there.

When he realized I wasn't doing anything, he pulled away, his breath quickened. I could feel myself wanting to shy away, but his deep voice stopped me from doing anything. "Why don't you kiss me back?" His hand that was on my shoulder slammed me into the wall once more, seeming to shutter my teeth. "Kiss me back!"

"Get the hell off me!" I retorted back, this time my voice more forceful. With my handcuffed hands, I tried shoving him away, but he stayed sturdy against my struggle. After that, I felt like rushing back into a hole, terrified to meet the outside world again.

It was a few moments of silence before his hand released my shoulder roughly. I felt myself gasp for a breath of air, like I had been underwater for too long. I could see the outline of him make his way back to the doors, his back turned to me. I felt like I did wrong, even though I was just protecting my thoughts and feelings.

The door to the van opened, and the guy, who called himself Agust D, slid out of it. The guys at the door looked at him, then back at me. They seemed a bit confused as why he was fuming, but they didn't seem to question. When they looked back at me, I gave them a pleading look, but they seemed to ignore me.

"Take her inside and lock her in the bedroom," he hissed, walking away from the van. I could hear his voice fade away as he walked somewhere else. "She's not allowed out until I allow her to. Got it?"

The men didn't even nod. They didn't even say anything. With a swift moment, one of them stepped into the van, coming towards me. I gulped. I knew I wasn't getting out any time soon. I was doomed to stay with Agust D forever. I wanted to shrink down and hide. I didn't want this. I didn't want any of this.

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