Saved by Almonds [J-Hope/Hoseok]

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This was requested by gangbangtanned. I hope you like it! Happy Reading! <3


You sat on your bed, your knees pulled to your chest. Your arms stung like a million ants, your smile long gone. All that was left of you was a hollow shell, the tears disappearing. It was all empty. You were just empty. Everything about you was gone, your bubbly personality, your wonderful smile, your easy going attitude. Everything was taken away.

There was a small knock at the door. You pulled your knees closer to your chest, biting your lip, hard. He was back for more. You held in a small whimper as you heard him from behind the door say, "I'm coming in."

The door opened a bit, the man slipping into the room. He was taller than you, most definitely. You had always been a petite girl without a doubt. His hair was a bit messy, a big, white, long-sleeved shirt covering his torso along with some black sweatpants covering his legs. In his hands was a tray of a bit of food with a teacup on it that held some steaming liquid.

You watched with wide, skeptical eyes as he closed the door behind him with his heel. He gave you one of his dazzling smiles that could fool anyone into trusting a monster like him. You felt like hiding away, but with your bare arms and calves exposed to the cool air in the room, there was no way of hiding from this monster than from hiding underneath your sheets, and that just seemed childish and cowardly of you to do.

"I know you haven't been so hungry these past few days, but you need to eat something," he said to you in his soft tone, as if he was talking to a small child. He made his way over to the bed, his eyes focused on you. If you never knew about his monstrous ways, you wouldn't have been so scared, but behind that smile of his, he was broken and hurtful. "Just eat a little bit of something. Please."

He placed the tray down on the bed next to him. You were against the headboard, watching him closely. Your eyes trailed to the tray. On it was bits of fruits and some nuts. In the cup was a light brown, clear liquid that smelled heavenly. Your mouth watered. You had been starving yourself for the past few days, but you knew if you did that you would die at some point. You just wanted to escape.

Hoseok took a small almond into his hand, then held it out for you to take. You kept hesitating, telling yourself not to eat it, but you couldn't help yourself. You reached out your small hand towards his, scared to even touch his skin. You held your breath as you took the almond from his hand, your fingertips brushing his palm. You yelped a little, snatching your hand back with the almond in it.

He didn't seem fazed by your small outburst. He watched you closely as you pulled the almond to your mouth, taking a sniff at the nut for a moment. You weren't sure if you were expecting it to be poisoned, but it smelled just like a normal almond. You slowly placed it on your tongue, your taste buds tingling at the bitter taste. It was amazing.

You started to chew the small nut in your mouth. You could feel your saliva sparking throughout the cavern. You leaned your head back on the headboard, closing your eyes. It was so amazing and hypnotizing, you totally forgot about Hoseok being there, watching your every move.

"Have some more," he told you softly. You opened your eyes, watching his hand grab a few grapes. You mouth watered even more as you swallowed down the almond, your hands shaking. He kept watching you, his smile taking over his face. You totally forgot about him being a monster. All you were focused on was the food he was offering for you to take.

You crawled over to him, your calves and palms feeling the silky blanket underneath you. You stopped yourself in front of the tray, taking the grapes into your hand. You plucked them on at a time into your mouth, feeling your senses come overrun with their juices. You could feel yourself smile--which you haven't for awhile--to where you could feel a spark of happiness in you.

After eating the nuts and fruits, you went onto the tea. You picked up the warm cup, bringing the rim to your lips. You tilted the cup a bit, letting the liquid slip into your mouth. It's warmth slid down your throat, bringing comfort throughout you. You relaxed against the mattress below you, your tongue licking your lips in satisfaction.

Taking a few more sips, Hoseok gently took the cup from out of your hands, placing it on the tray below. You frowned, wanting to whine for him to give it back. There went your hunger strike. You were now filled up with nuts and fruits, not to mention some sort of tea he gave you.

He laughed a little at your expression. He shook his head, his eyes landing on your arms. You were still forgetting how much of a monster he was. He reached out, taking your cut up arms into his hands, his thumbs trailing across some that were starting to scab over. He frowned. "They're healing."

You suddenly were brought back into reality. You, all of a sudden, tried tugging your arms away from his grasp. His grip was like steel, his thumbs digging into the fresh cuts. You whimpered, looking up at his eyes. Something behind them had changed, something to be more sinister.

"You can't heal," he growled at you, his thumbs digging deeper and deeper into your cuts. You could feel the tears sprouting in your eyes, daring to break through. You looked down at his hands on your arms, and you could see the blood start to bubble out of the wounds again. A tear slipped down your cheek.

"I'm so sorry," you cried softly, closing your eyes. You were trying to hold back all the sobs that wanted to break from your throat and into the room. This was never the person you knew and loved when you were younger. If you knew about him like this years ago, you would've dropped him out as a friend. "I-I can't help it."

A low growl formed deep in his throat. His hands let go of your arms, falling away. You watched with teary eyes as he pushed himself up from the bed, ready to storm off out of the room to grab something. He turned around to face you, saying, "I'll be back."

"Please don't," you sobbed, watching him walk out of the room and into the hallway of the house. The door slammed behind him. You clenched your fists.

You looked down at your arms. Blood stained your arms in a hand print pattern. You bit your lip, but a sob still ripped from your throat. Another round of torture was coming. You would have to go through the pain. You would have to hide within yourself to protect your being. You let in a shaky breath. You were going to die at some point. You made yourself come to that conclusion. This would end soon. Just a few more days until you could take another opportunity of starving yourself.

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