Story 15: ThAnKsGiVinG

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Plz read until end! Anyway, here's a short chapter for this special occasion!


Jared slid his glasses up his nose as he walked up the steps to the Murphy's house. He never nervous meeting new people.

Well, okay, maybe he was always a bit nervous meeting new people.

No, actually, he was always nervous.

But today, he was surprisingly nervous because he was gonna spend Thanksgiving with his crush- Connor Murphy.
It may not have seen like he had liked him, since he always made fun of him being the "school shooter" and the "freak" and "pothead", but he really deep inside love him. And now they they became better as friends, it was harder to keep to himself. Hearts always filled in his stomach.
Yes, hearts, not butterflies.

Jared knocked on the door, hearing footsteps right away. His sister, Zoe Murphy, opened the door, greeting him with her hugs.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Jared! So glad you could come!"

"Thanks Zoe, really appreciate it. Sorry I couldn't bring anything."

Jared was kinda shocked when Zoe laughed at him.

"It's fine, you didn't have to! We have food to go round!"

Jared was led inside, and saw Evan, Alana, and Connor watching Dear Ben Platt on TV, on the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. Connor turned around to see Jared and waved, smiling a bit. Jared felt himself turning red.

*** *** *** ***

The rest of the day, he spent with them. They ate, danced, and sung (even if Jared sung like complete crap). He was really enjoying himself, and he loved it.

During the end, Connor excused himself to go to the bathroom. He left, and didn't come out after 5 minutes. Jared slipped out of the dancing crowd and snuck upstairs, into Connor's room.

He saw him crying.

"Connor..?" Jared asked, closing the door a bit.

Connor looked up in surprise, and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"I-I'm fine, I-I promise, l-let's just g-go."

Connor stood up to leave, but Jared blocked him from leaving. Without his fullest consent, he grabbed Connor's hands and held them.

"What's wrong?"

"I really l-like someone here, b-but I don't t-think they like m-me back, especially s-since I'm such a-a loser."

Jared and Connor sat on Connor's massive bed, still holding hands.

"Well, I can help you." Jared said, stopping himself from crying. He felt like his heart had been ripped.

Connor gave a small 'thank you' as he leaned his head on Jared's shoulder. Some of the things Jared liked about being short was this.

"Okay, so what you probrally wanna do it get their attention at the right time, and just tell them. Go for it. If they reject you, that's fine too." Jared said.

Connor nodded, and look a deep breath.


Connor spun Jared's face to look at his and kissed him.
Jared couldn't believe it.
Connor Murphy had kissed him, Jared Kleinman.
Jared melted into the kiss and kissed back, both falling over onto the bed, on top of eachother. They kept ahold until they realized air was a thing.

They pulled apart, both panting.

"Connor... I love you too."
They kept kissing, cause fuck it, no one would come in here.

Well, that's what they though.


*** *** *** ***

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

You guys are such lovely people, thank you for all the support!
I'm so thankful for you guys, and you're helping me reach 1K!
You are all such special people, and indeed you make me happy every day with your votes and comments and warm wishes.

Have a great Thanksgiving!


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