Story 37- 10 Reasons Why I Love Jared Kleinman

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Dear Evan Hansen, today's going to be a good day, and here's why:
I like this kid.
But not just like him.
I really like this kid, okay, but they don't like me back.
Here are 10 instances where Jared Kleinman drives me insane.

•The Ukelele Playing
I go to Jared's house a lot, I already know his house back and forth. But one thing I never noted was his ukelele.
Granted, it was hidden under his bed, but I'd never hear him play it.
Once I went to surprise him and when I snuck to his room, I heard him playing Riptide and singing.
Let's just say when he saw me there listening the whole time he threw the ukelele out the window.
And jumped out himself.

•The Trampoline Incident
Back when we were only in middle school, Jared had a trampoline in his backyard. He would bounce around and do what kids did.
But one day, Jared was too into the moment and said,
And he did.
He also fell off the trampoline and had to get a cast for his leg.

•Fort Fiasco
One month in the beginning of high school, I failed 3 of my tests and got bummed. Jared avoided me the rest of the day, but when I got home, he was there in my room- and it wasn't even my room.
It was a kingdom of forts.
We stayed in the fort and watched Supernatural until we crashed.

•Bar Messes
I will never tell Jared this story, ever.
If my therapist somehow reads this and tells him, I'm forever screwed.
The Murphy's took us to a bar and we chilled for a bit, and Jared drank a little too much.
During the end, I had to take him home since it was getting late and he started petting the bottle of tequilla and giving it little kisses.
As I drove him home, he swooned me with words that Jared had never told me before.

•Flu Season
It's very hard to get me sick, I have an immune system if steel.
Unlike Jared.
Whenever he feels under the weather, I make sure he's okay and doesn't die for whatever reason.
The reason I do that is because he's so cute- he wines a lot and can't take a full minute alone before throwing a tantrum and being a little baby. It's adorable and I never miss out on that.

Jared has a... unique way with art.
For my birthday he got a flower.
Awesome, right?
If it wasn't for the fact that he got a bathbomb, make a hole in it, and put dirt in it so the plant could grow.
I had never been more happy and confused in my life.

•He has the Spongebob campfire song on repeat for his alarm
There's nothing else to add to that.

•Helping Hand
He warned me about Connor Murphy.
He always had, even when me and Connor were friends.
Back in sophomore year, I started dating Connor, opposed to Jared's protests.
The relationship quickly became toxic and verbally abusive, and Jared was the one to help me out.

•Unsuspected Obsession
Jared went to get groceries while I waited in his room. I investigated throughout his room and found he had quite an obsession for the movie Grease.
I confronted him about it and he told me that was his mom's, but she always worked, so I don't quite believe him.
Also another time I heard him singing it in the show-

•How he asked me to be his boyfriend
Jared Kleinman is such a cringy sweetheart.
When he asked me to become his boyfriend, he took me to A La Mode for some icecream.
He then proceeded to take me to his house, and once we were in his room, he pinned me against the wall.
"I've loved you for I don't know how long, you make me feel kinky for you. I know this is probably the shittiest thing you've ever heard, but will you be my boyfriend?"
"Yes, I've waited for so long." I said, kissing that bit that tastes like mint icecream and bathbombs.

Those are reasons why I love Jared Kleinman.

Those are reasons why I will forever love him.

Those are reasons why I hold a velvet case in my pocket, ready to propose to him.

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