Story 51- Sickfic (Another one)

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Jared groaned as he woke up that morning, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. He got no sleep that night, only a little, at least. His stomach was churning like crazy, but he didn't think it was much of a serious thing. As Jared arose, so did Connor, who kissed Jared's cheek.

"You okay?" Connor asked, feeling Jared slightly more warm than usual.

"I'm fine, don't worry baby." Jared kissed Connor before forcefully getting out of bed and getting ready for the day.

That day at work was excruciating. As Jared walked throughout, he felt himself wanting to pass out with every step he took, and his limbs felt weaker (well, weaker than usual). Jared picked up a sandwich and some water from the deli next door (since he didn't eat) and then went back to work. After about 30 minutes, Jared felt his stomach doing flips and churning like a tsunami. He ran to the bathroom and threw up in one of the stalls. He tried to eat more food and drink more, but threw it all back out.

As Jared left work that day to go home, he felt hot and sweaty and uncomfortable. He was famished and dehydrated and tired, but trying to fix those problems would do him no good. He wanted to call a doctor, but what would Connor do? Jared decided it would be best to just keep quiet and let him deal with it himself.

Jared arrived home and saw Connor making something in the kitchen. His eyes landed on Jared as he went up to him and kissed him, before pulling back.

"You sure you're okay?" Connor asked.

"Totally." Jared forced a genuine smile.

Connor hummed a response and let Jared set his stuff down as they both went to the kitchen. Connor made some pasta and served some for Jared. Jared, being as hungry as he was, ate the pasta. Him and Connor were maybe halfway through their food when Jared abruptly stood up to run off somewhere. Connor decided to follow him and his heart broke.

Jared was kneeling beside the toilet, retching everything he had. Connor, as mad as he was with his husband for not telling him the truth, knelt beside him and rubbed his back supportingly. Jared groaned and held his stomach as he leaned himself against Connor.

"Jared, why didn't you tell me?" Connor asked.

"This is my problem, I can deal with it." Jared mumbled.

"But as your husband, it's my duty to look after you."

Jared shrugged and stayed where he was. Connor picked up the sick boy and set him on the couch, and tried to make Jared comfortable. He got a thermometer and tested it.

"100.1." Connor said under his breath.

Jared just closed his eyes and kicked the covers off him. Connor kissed Jared's pale but hot skin. He left to make some hot food, hoping Jared would soon get better. That boy. Connor came back and Jared was slowly slipping into an oblivion before he was snapped out of it by the smell of food. Jared swallowed the soup and waited, and soon enough, he threw it all up. It seemed like no matter what he ate, he threw it up. This puzzled Connor, so he waited until Jared was deep asleep to make some research. Continuous stomach pains, delicacy to foods, and cramps?.

Jared woke up about 3 hours later and wished he was still asleep- the aching was unbearable. Connor gave him some crackers and Gatorade.

"You have a stomach virus." Connor told him.

"I wanna die." Jared groaned.

"Eat this."

"I'm gonna throw it up."

"Actually, there are some foods that you can still eat- crackers, jello, and Gatorade are the main ones."

Jared trusted him and ate, and he stayed with the food. Amazing! Connor took his temperature again and grabbed the keys to head to a pharmacy for some medicine. Jared wanted to go with him, but almost fainted at the sudden change of his body positioning and his weak muscles. Connor shoved Jared back on the bed and told him to stay there.

As Connor was at the pharmacy, he ran into Evan, and they chatted for a bit before Evan had to go home before Zoe would lock him out (yeah she does that). Connor grabbed the medicine and headed home to see Jared again asleep in the bundle of covers. Connor set the medicine aside and slept with him.

The next were, well, different to say for the least- Jared was getting better, but complained that his body was "actually dying inside". They went to a doctor, who said the overall the same information Connor said. Connor never got sick (since he's A gOd) and stayed home with his sick husband, working on his computer as Jared fought to get better. And even if it had been a rough patch, Jared was glad that the one taking care of him was his beloved husband, Connor Murphy, and no one else.

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