Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: The party

I starting to walk home, but I remember I forgot to buy chips. In second two, I was running to the shop to buy chips, because Beth told me to be home in 10 minutes, and I don't want to make her crazy from the first day. I really want a good relationship with my babysitter.

 When I arrived at shop, I went straight to 'chips zone' and bought a bag of potato chips with salt, a really big one. And them I bought a Monster dose. I pay my stuff and then running home.

In just 5 minutes I arrived home. Record time.

When I walk in the house, Beth was a little bit scared.

"Oh! Carolina! Thanks God! I thought something happen to you!" She said while hugging me.

"Yeah. I'm alive and I'm fine." I replay to her words.

"So. What's going on with that group of 'guys'? She said with a smirk on her face.

"Wow. Calm down. It's nothing really serious. It's a group of boys and a girl. The boys are bikers and skaters, and they are nice, expect a stupid asshole named Ted." I said. I didn't want to scare her with Ted, and tell her that he's bad news. I think she will be overprotected if I tell her. And if I think at this, it's not a bad thing. I really want to stay away from Ted.

"So, you have some friends now. Right?" She ask.

"Yep! That's true" I answer. "OK. Now let's eat some chips."


I talked with Beth for 1 hour. I told her about my old life. Why we moved here. I told her I met Ryland Lynch in that group, and this a great thing. I was really nervous when I realized that I didn't told her about the party, but I got the courage to tell her about it. Of course she gave me a long speech about parties, and I listened her really good. I don't know what can happen at a party.

After our long conversation, I went in my bedroom and started to put my stuffs there. I finish in 1 hour. Really fast. 

I started to make a outfit for tomorrow's party when I realized I don't know where the party is. In that moment, I took my phone and dial Jeff's number. After the second ring, he answered.

"Hello?" His voice is so deep.

"Um... Jeff, it's Carolina." I said a little nervous.

"Oh! Hey Carolina! What's up?" He said.

"Um, I called you to ask where the party is." I said.

"Oh yeah! You don't need to leave alone. I'll come with Joe and Carlos tomorrow at your house at 8 PM, and we bring you from there. OK?"

"OK. Thanks! See you later!"

"OK Cari. Bye!" And he hung up. Okay, it's a good thing that I won't leave alone to the party.

It was a little boring this evening. I ate at dinner alone because Beth left to a shop. After dinner I went in my bedroom and watch at TV. Everything went so slowly. I was really boring so I went in living room and play some video games.

After 2 hours of video games, I was really tired and went to bed. " Tomorrow we go to a party. Yeah!" my ego said over and over again. I'm wondering if Rocky will be there, at the party. I think he will because the party it's at his home. I really wait for tomorrow's day.


I wake up really happy. Maybe it's 8 AM, but that doesn't matters. I'll eat at breakfast some pancakes.

"Good morning Carolina!" Beth was already with the breakfast. Wow.

"Um, morning!" I said.

"Here is your breakfast. Pancakes with chocolate and hot chocolate." Nice. I like this breakfast.

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