Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Another great day

Cari's POV

I just think.

Maybe he just want to be with me..

I don't want to say that words. What was in my mind? That a guy really likes me? Huh.

And now look at me. I stay on a bench, alone, crying, into a park at 8 PM.

Great. Just great.

"Can I sit down?" A voice said behind me.

"Um.." I said between sobs.

"Carolina?! What you doing here?!" It's Jeff. What he doing here.

"I..I have to ask you the same question." I reply.

"I'm here because, I fight with Joe. He's so annoying." He said while taking a seat next to me on the bench.

"Oh." I'm so sorry for him. They're brothers, they don't need to fight.

"And you? What you doing here? At this time? Alone." He asked looking at me, but I looked away.

I don't want him to see me crying.

"Um..I just..I broke up with.." I can't do this. I started to cry again.

"Hey... Don't cry." He said hugging me tight. He put my head in his chest. "You're going to be fine. Just calm down." He said trying to calm me down.

I just can't stop crying.

"What the.." Someone from the darkness said. "What are you doing here with my girlfriend?! You idiot!"

"Rocky?" I just can't believe what is happen now.

"Get your dirty hands off of her!" Rocky yelled at Jeff coming closer to us.

"No! Leave him alone! You are the idiot here!" Now I'm really angry. I got up from the bench and I stay in front of Rocky. I want to slap him over his pretty face so much.

"I'm the idiot? He's bad Carolina!" Rocky shout in my face.

"Yes you are the idiot here! And he's kind and sweet and you are just a jerk who wants to get in girls pants!" Rocky face just fall. He looks so hurt and angry. I don't like to see him like this. I really don't like to make him sad. "Jeff, can you leave?" I said to Jeff.

"I'm not going to leave you here with this.."

"Jeff just leave! Please." I beg him.

"OK. But be careful." He said coming closer to me and giving me a kiss on cheek. In this moment Rocky is red of angry.

"Why you are here with him?" Rocky asked me calm and his jaw now is clenched.

"I really don't know why you care so much. You are just a idiot who want know what.. and play a lot of games with me and maybe with the others girls. You want to.." I really want to finish my sentence but his lips pressed on my lips.

When he tries to put his hands on my waist, I push him back, and break the kiss and keep the distance between us.

"I'm so sorry for what I said. I didn't want to sound like that. Please just forgive me." He said trying in the same time to get closer to me, but I push him back.


"Please, just please. I want you. I love you so much Cari." He said looking into my eyes.

"No!" I said walking back, away from him.

"No! I'm not going to accept an NO! I want you! Now!" He tells me starting again to get closer to me.

I can't let him to make me forgive him. I need to do something.

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