Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: He


He is leaning against one of the kitchen counter and he's looking at the ground.

What he is doing here?

I started to walk back, but for my 'luck' I stepped on a broom. In that moment Rocky turn to see who stepped on the broom. When he saw me, his eyes started to get bigger and the tears started to go down his cheeks.

I tried to get away from his, but I can't do that because right now his hand grip mine and I really can't get put from his grip.

"Let me go!" I rise my tone at him and in the same time shaking my hand trying to free it.

I open my mouth to yell at him but in that moment his lips are on mine and he started to push me against a wall from my back.

He kiss me hard.

I want so much to kiss back but in the same time I want to slap him over his face.

I try to get free but I just can't. He's too strong.

"I'm so sorry.." He said in the kiss. "I love you... so much." He continue to say in kiss.

In one moment, I put all my force in one of my foot and I hit his foot bad as I can.

When I hit him he jerk away. When I hit him, after he jerked away he bite my bottom lip really bad.

"Ouch!" We said in the same time.

"Why did you do that?!" Rocky asked me while shaking his foot.

I want to yell at him now, but I started to feel something on my bottom lip.


"Oh no.." I said.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't want to do that!" Rocky said while trying to get closer to me.

I step away from the wall and I went straight into the bathroom.

"Wait!" Rocky yell after me.

I shout the door behind me and I went to the sink from the bathroom. When I looked into the mirror, all my mouth it's full with blood and my bottom lip look really bad.

"Fuck!" I yell at my reflection from the mirror.

"Let me get in!" I heard Rocky from the other side of the door. "If you don't I'm going to break this fucking door!"

I was scared and I really don't want him to break the door.

God knows how much this door cost.

I took some toilet paper and put it on my mouth, and then I went to the door and opened it.

"You are fine?!" A worried Rocky asked me.

I took the toilet paper down from my mouth and I show him what he done to my lip.

"Oh my Gosh!" Rocky said scared and the getting closer to me.

I opened the tap water and I then I putted the bloody toilet paper in the sink.

"Let me help you." Rocky tells me.

"No." It was all I can say.

He stayed silent and then he took a seat on the edge of the bath.

I started to clean my mouth and put an patch on my bottom lip. While I was cleaning I saw Rocky in the mirror staring at me. And about the patch, I know it's sounds stupid, patch on the lip but my ex stupid boyfriend bite it really bad.

When I finished I leaved the bathroom, leaving Rocky alone there. Of course he can't stay away from me, so he started to follow me.

"Where you going?" He asked me.


"Away from what?"

"You." I'm serious right now.

"I really need to explain to you what's happened. I really don't want to break up with you again."

"We aren't together anymore. I thought I made myself clear yesterday when I leaved angry."

He stayed silent.

I leave him to think.

I started to walk outside the house and Rocky is follow me.

I go into the car and I told uncle Skrill to leave.

When the car started to move, I watch on the window a sad and hurt Rocky.




Chapter 22 it's on buddies!

Hope you like it!

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Peace and love =)

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