Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: A day with my group


Rocky it's leaning on the floor with a razor in his hand.

Oh no.

I ran at him and I sit on my knees.

"Rocky! Wake up! You are fine?" I asked between sobs.

"Umm.." He's alive!

"Look at me! Please open your eyes!" I started to slap him playful him with the thought of wake him up.


I ran towards my bedroom door and I shout it and then I went straight into my bathroom and I took from there a towel, some bandages and alcohol.

I went to Rocky and I started to clean his wrist.

When I put the alcohol on his wrist he let out some moans I think who are coming from the pain. Of course.

"You buddy dirt my floor with blood." I tell him. I don't know if he can hear me or not but I know, for my happiness, I know he breath. Thanks God.

"I love you." I whispered and then I hugged him. "And now, lets put you on the bed."

I put my hands on his waist and I started to pull him from the floor. Gosh, he's heavy.

I think I tried for 10 minutes to put him on my bed, but for my luck I managed it.


"Now you can take a break. Everything it's fine." I said and then I kissed him on cheek.

He is leaning now on my bed with his eyes closed. His chest it's moving slowly up and down. I think now he sleeps.

I took a seat on the edge of my bed and I started to play games on my phone.

"Mmm.. Cari?" Rocky it's awake.


"Why my wrist hurt like hell and it's bandaged, and why are my lips dry." He tell me while trying to stay on his elbows.

"Umm... I... You cu..cut yourself.." I tell him with tears in eyes.

"Fuck, I did it again."

"But why?" I asked him between sobs and worried.

"I.. I just... Doesn't matter."

"Of course it's matter! You cut yourself!"

Now I'm on my feet.

"I hate me. I hate me because I hurt you and we broke up because of me. I'm sorry I said all the stuff about Ave in your face, I didn't mean that! I love you Cari so much! All the week I came here at your house with the hope you will come back, but you didn't and all I've done it's to stay here on your bed and cry all the days." Now he is on his feet and he make some steps closer to me.

"You think you are the only one who cried everyday?! My routine was wake up, cry, eat, cry, nap, cry, sleep and fucking cry again! And why do you dating with that fucking... ugh!" I asked him. Our faces are a few centimeters distance one of each other.

"I know you were hurt! And I don't fucking know what it's in my mind to date with that chick Ave! I don't love her, I love you!"

Our noses are touching now. My neck hurt like hell because I need to look up at Rocky. He is so tall.

"You don't fucking know anything! You date with her because he look good! And like you said she looks good! But I don't. I don't look good! Because of that you don't like me. Because of that you don't love me." My voice it'a calm now. I feel so good to say these words. I feel so good to let all my fucking thought leave my mind.

"Oh and you're welcome idiot!"

"For what?!"

"No matter! Go to your fucking girlfriend and make love on the couch! Oh and here, take all the video games, you need them to play with her!" Now I'm angry. I left the bedroom and I know Rocky it's calling my name but I don't care.

"I forgot my video games. Bye idiot!" I said a little amused.

I went outside and I took my BMX. I started to ride and I looked everywhere in the neighborhood for my group. I don't fucking care if Ted it's there, I want to spend my day with them.

Finally I found them.

"Hey guys."

"Hey! What's up?" Joe asked me.

"Nothing more. I came here to stay with my friends, to make some tricks with the BMX, to eat some ice cream and play true or dare." I tell them.

I don't see Jeff and Ted.

"OK. Let's do this."

I spend all my day with my friends. We ate ice cream, we made a lot of tricks with our bikes, we made jokes and we play true or dare. One time Carlos supposed to touch my BMX and because he done that I slap him hard over his hand and I told him that anyone don't touch my bike, one time Jeff supposed to kiss me on the cheek and one time I supposed to go at one guy from the street and kiss him on cheek and another stupid dares.

I came to them to forget about my day with Rocky, but he just doesn't leave my head.

He stays there.




Hey buddies! What's up? Chapter 26 it's on.

Hope you like it!

I want you to comment what you want to happen on the next chapter, and if you don't I'm going to post a short chapter.


Anyway, love you!

Peace and love from Ana. =)

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