Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: I'm sorry

Rocky's POV

What the hell? Why my head hurt so much? And where I am?

When I looked down I saw I'm under some blankets in a strange bed. When I looked in my left I saw a blonde girl. What the hell I've done?

I got up from the bed and... dude! I'm naked! What the hell I've done? Seriously now!

I took fast a blanket from the bed and I covered myself. I saw my phone on the nightstand and I took it.

I have twenty missed calls from Cari and twenty one messages from her too. And on the back of my phone it's a note. What?

Dear Rocky,

I'm sorry I've  broke your happiness and I wasn't perfect for you. I think I'm going to tell you all that happened because you were too drunk last night and I think right now you don't remember anything. So lets get started. You just ran from the studio and I started to search you everywhere. I was at your house but you wasn't there. I asked your brothers if they know where you are but they haven't any idea, Riker told me he has an app on his phone that it helps him to find everyone, no matter where they are. We walked at the point where the app sent us and we found you leaving with a random girl. We followed you and all I felt it was anger and sadness. I found you making love, again, with another girl, but this time was different. We fought a lot and I remember everything that you said. You told me I make you unhappy and from the day I came into your life everything it started to be hard. You told me that you don't love. You told me that you said you love me just to make me happy because I'm a little fucking child who don't know anything about love. You told me that you don't like me, that you think I'm not good for you and your life will be better without me.

And that words really hurt me. I hope your life will be better without me now. I hope you will be happy with your new girlfriend and I hope you will marry her and have kids, and they will make you forever happy. I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you and I made your life hard. I'm sorry I put a lot of feelings into our relationship.

And I'm sorry I've loved you.

From your person who made your life hard,


What I've done? I lost my love because just from a fucking kiss in a movie with another guy.

I can't believe she said all that words. 

All her words are playing in my mind, 'I hope your life will be better without me now'  ' I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you and I made your life hard.'.

'And I'm sorry I've loved you.'

I broke her heart again. And this time really bad. How could I?

I'm sorry I've lost her. I really need her and I'm going to take what it's mine back.

And now.




I know buddies this is not a long chapter, but I hope you appreciate it.

I have a question for you today.

Do you think Cari will forgive Rocky? Or what? (comment guys)

Don't forget to vote and comment! 3 comments and 3 votes!

Peace and love from Ana. =)



My favorite neighbour( a Rocky Lynch fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant