Chapter 53

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Chapter 53:  The end

Cari's POV.

So yeah. I'm kind of really bored, maybe I should do something. Like pancakes, or play video games or watch TV.

Man, I really don't have any idea about what to do. I'm going to die lazy. And alone!

I live by myself for like six years in San Francisco. After the career that lasted three years, I moved to San Francisco with Beth at sixteen years old. I never seen Martin since that tour in Brazil, but I really don't care because we realized that we are not good enough for each other.

But about Rocky.. Well, I miss him. We didn't seen or even talk since that day when he came in my hotel room. I heard that he has a great career and a fiancé. I even heard that very soon he's going to get married. I'm kind of sad because we are not at all togheter, but this is it.

I hope he is going to have a great life, because he definitely deserve it.

I'm fine in the way I am right, even if I don't have a fiancé, or a boyfriend, or even a friend! I really like the way my life is. My dogs are now huge buddies and they really know now that it's normal for they to share the same food. Finally!

Beth left me last year, my parents went back home in my natal country. I really feel like everything is good, but with all these stuff I realized that people around me are feeling good, not me.

Oh and I just forgot to say that tomorrow is Christmas! Yayy! More time alone. Fuck it.

I want a miracle! Oh yeah, the pizza guy! I forgot that I called him 20 minutes ago!

My miracle is going to arrive in like 10 mintues!

Ding Dong

Oh. Or right now!

"Thanks God that you are here so fast. I thought that you forgot about my" What the what?!

"Well is nice to see you too Cari." He said.

"What are you doing here Rocky? And another question, do you have pizza?"

"I came here to see you. And no, I don't have pizza."

"Well.. Yeah." I said. My hands are sweating and I swear that I really don't have courage to look at him.

"You can look at me. I'm not going to burn you with my imaginary laser eyes. Ha." Oh God! He knows what I think! " I want to ask you a question. And it's a very important question."

"Oh, you want to invite me at your wedding? I heard the news. I'm really happy for you." I said getting a little bit angry. Him being married, it's just .. Ugh.

"Uhm no. I supposed to get married next week, but I felt like Macy is not the one."


"But anyway. The question is, you want to take it from zero?"

"Rocky I just.. I don't know what to say."

"Well I know. I want to start everything from zero. I want to forget everything that happened before, and be back here for you. But in a good way. So?" He makes me feel so guilt! God damn!

"That's hard, but okay." And in the next second guess what! A pair of huge arms are killing me.

"Rock.. Air.."

"Oh! Sorry. Now can I have a kiss?" He said smuling .

"No! You forgot? We start from zero, that's means that we don't kiss now. You need to be my good friend for the begging."

"Seriously?! From the friend zone?! Well okay!"

"Good. And now I realize, you have been and you are my favorite neighbor, even if you aren't my neighbor now." I said.

"Good." He replied.

The end!

My favorite neighbour( a Rocky Lynch fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang