Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Great news

I almost arrived home.

On my way back to home, I just thinking at everything that happen with Rocky and I. Why he want to save me from that stupid idiot Ted? He likes me or what? I'm really confused. I want to know what Rocky think about me and why he care so much about me from the first time he saw me.

After five minutes of walking I arrived home.

The lights are on. I think Beth stayed awake just to see me if I'm OK. She's a great babysitter.

"Beth! I'm home!" I don't think she will be angry. I arrived home with 10 minutes earlier.

"Oh. Hey Carolina! Why you are home so early? I thought you will arrived a little bit late. You know, because it's just your first party." She ask.

"I just wanted to be home at the time you said." I answer.

"So, someone, you know, maybe a boy, give you a ride to home?" She asked really interested.

"What?! No! I came home alone. And no, I wasn't afraid. It's just night. It's like I'm in a scary movie." I said.

"Ha ha. Very funny. I didn't want to ask that." She said sarcastic.

"Yeah. OK now I'm going to bed. Night!" I said.

"Good night you too!" She tells me.

I started to undress of my 'party outfit' and put my pajamas on. My baggy pajamas. I went to the bathroom, I brush my teeth and I put my hair into a pony tale. Then I want to bed.

"And now, let's sleep." I said to myself


"Beep! Beep! Beep!" OK now this is not my stupid alarm. Someone call me.

"Hello?" I asked sleepy.

"Good morning honey!" Oh it's my mom.

"Hey mom!"

"You were sleeping?" She said.

"Yep, but it's okay."

"OK. I call you to informed you that me and your dad bought that place and now we have a brand of new clothes! And guess the name!" She said happy. I bet now she's smiling.

"Wow! That's great mom! Congrats! And about the name, I don't have any ideea." I said.

"The name of the brand of clothes is... AM!" What the fuck? What's that? What that means?

"What you saying mom? What's that mean? Morning?"

"Yes! You were born at 3 AM! We named the brand by your birth hour sweetie!" Oh! Wow! That's awesome.

"Thanks mom! Love you!" I tell her.

"OK now I let you sleep! Bye!" She said.

"Bye mom!"

I'm so happy for my parent and now I make a happy dance! Woohoo!

In that moment my phone vibrate. It's a message. From Rocky?

*Good morning Cari.* OK that's strange. Why he is texting me at 9 AM? Anyway. I just reply back.

*Morning Rocky!*

*I want to talk with you something... It's that OK?* I haven't any ideea what he wants.





OK guys! Sorry for the short chapter. But today I post double update! And this chapter is the first update.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you want!

Love u guys!

Peace and love :)

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