Chapter 33

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Chapter 33: Cooking in the evening

"Come on Roy! Come here." I said to my cute dog.

I spend all the week with my dogs. Rocky and I tried a lot to train the dogs, but now they know their names and they know how to do some commands. I have some problems with my pretty Little H. He doesn't want to listen to me when I tell him to stop or to come at me, but I will make him to listen to me.

I made Ave really jealous in this week, because I spend all my time with Rocky and my dogs, and every time when I was with Rocky, we started to kiss or to cuddle. This is my revenge! Yeah.

Anyway. Rocky and I stay alone all the evening, because Beth left with Ave at the airport. And the devil was sent from where he belong. Pittsburgh. Official, from now, I hate that city.

Right now Rocky and I watch a movie. A comedy movie. We stay on the couch and laugh like some idiots when some funny parts come. His right arm it's around my shoulders and I rest my head in his shoulder.

"Do you want to do something? It's almost 6 PM and we need to eat something." Rocky tell me.

"We can cook?" I ask.

"Yeah, but what?"

"We can make some spaghetti and then a cake?" I suggest.

"Yes. Come on, let's go in the kitchen."

After we got ready everything we need to cook, we started to watch a video on YouTube. First time we started to make the spaghetti.

"So we need to boil the pasta first." I said. "Bring a pan from there and then a spoon. A huge spoon." I tell Rocky.

He went to take the pan and a huge spoon. He made some really disgusting jokes about the spoon but at one moment I was so disgusted I told him to stop.

In just 20 minutes, we finished the spaghetti. They were good but the sauce was a little maybe too hot.

"We do now the cake?" I ask Rocky.

"Yeah. Let's get started."

We bring all we need and now lets start.

"Okay, first we need to break the eggs. You break two and I break two. Got it?" I said to Rocky.

"Got it."

I took the eggs in one of my hand and for my happiness, one of them felt on the floor.

"You supposed to break it in the bowl." Rocky said amused.

"I know. But I can take another one from the fridge."

We started to mix the eggs and put all the women from the video said we need. And now the flour.

"Rocky bring the flour. We need it now." I tell Rocky.

"I will. But first take Roy from my leg." Rocky went next to me and I saw Roy on his leg.

"Roy come here." I tell my dog. And because he listen to me, he came to me. "Now go at Little H and Diggie."

And he left.

"Here is the flour." When I turned around I'm full with flour. "Ups." Rocky said amused.

I started to clean my glasses and then put them on. All my face it's full with flour. All my hair and my shirt.

"Oh, I'm fine. I just need a hug. Come here." I said getting closer to him.

"Nope." He said walking back. I still get closer to him and he walks back. While Rocky walks back, his back met the wall.

"Come on, give me a hug." I said to him.

I put one arm on his and I started to move it up and down on his arm. I have the bowl with flour in my hand behind my back. Let's play Rocky.

And bam!

"You dirt my favorite shirt." He said.

"Um, ups." I said amused.

"Yeah, ups. But now I think I need a hug." He said. I'm okay with it.

"Okay." I put my arms around him and I started to hug him. We are both full with flour.

"I have luck. My face it's clear." Rocky said. Not now.

I moved my hands to my face, I took some flour on them and I moved them at his face.

"Now your face it's not clear anymore." I tell him smiling.

He started to lean in and his lips met mine. His kiss was a short one and really cute.

"Now, my face it's not clear anymore." He said. "I think we need to clear all this mess. So maybe we start now." He continued.

We started to clean all the mess from the kitchen and then we fall asleep on the living room floor.




Sorry guys because I didn't posted yesterday, but today I think I'm going to post double update, so wait!

Hope you like this chapter!

And the rule with votes and comments it's out. You are not good to comment or vote a lot, so yeah. =))

Peace and love from Ana. =)

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