Karen sux

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57 likes 6 comments

_mikehanlon: Roses are red, violets are blue. Why did you leave me, Karen? What did I do?

trashmouthtozier; why is everyone having relationship problems?

badassbeverly; omg mikey you look so hotttt

_mikehanlon; i was actually very cold. i couldnt even move. @badassbeverly


kaspbrak; mike mike mike mike mike mike mike. 

stan.uris; karen sux

-Richie to Eddie-

Richie; eds, listen i know u told me to leave you alone, but i really wanna tell you something

Eddie; richie i know already, okay?

Richie; what?

Eddie;  that u dont like dick and ur not gay.

Richie; uhh... thats not what i was gonna say

Eddie; oh?

Eddie; are you coming?

Richie; thats kinda a personal question dont cha think?

Eddie; ah fuck. that was for bev.

Richie; hmm just like 'hey' was for bill

Eddie; no, i am done with that guy. also that was seriously for bev. we are meeting at the park

Richie; wyldddd

Eddie; oh what am i dong? thanks for asking. im standing here uncomfortably

Richie; same af. im in line for some Cofvee

Richie; i almost fell

Eddie; i probably wouldve peed

Eddie; my pants arent water proof

Richie; Rip

Eddie; WAIT are YOURS?

Eddie; i mean they sell adult diapers

Eddie; so🤷🏼

Richie; maybe you should invest in some then

Eddie; yo they are mad expensive.

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