i love you

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Richie; i love you

Eddie; i love you

Richie; i love you more

Eddie; i love you most

Richie; listen here you little shit

Richie; i love you times infinity

Eddie; i love you double infinity

Richie; nuh uh. infinity is forever

Richie; you cant have double forever

Eddie; touche

Richie; hey you wanna go to the movies with me after 4 tonight?

Eddie; one sec

Richie; fine but im gonna spam you with love until you answer



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Richie; dude

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Richie; dude. i love you

Richie; also did i mention i love you



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Eddie; ok so i asked my mom

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Eddie; ok so i asked my mom

Richie; what did she say?

Eddie; my heart said yes, but my mom said no

Richie; but i wanna spend time with you before you go

Eddie; my mom said i had to pack

Richie; but i wanna kiss you like sam kissed you

Eddie; then come over

Richie; really?

Eddie; yeah. we can tell her youre helping me pack

Eddie; then we can make ut in my room

Richie; EDDIE! i cant believe this

Eddie; i know! im rebel-ing! pew pew pew

Richie; omg i can just imagine you right now and youre so fucking hot

Eddie; stop richie

Richie; my heart is exploding

Eddie; just come over

Richie; thats what he said

Eddie; omg ew

Richie; you  love it

Eddie;youre not wrong

Richie; ill be there in 30

Eddie; you live 10 minutes away

Richie; i have to take care of this boner i just got from talking to you

Eddie; omg

Richie; see you soon eds

Eddie; yeah yeah.

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