hear what?

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Eddie; hey why wasn't richie in school today?

Stan; u didnt hear?

Eddie; hear what? 

Stan; he died

Eddie; what!?

Stan; hahaha jk 

Eddie; fuck u

Stan; but he is in the hospital, im headed there now if u wanna come too

Eddie; why is he in the hospital?

Stan; he got jumped at the quarry. idk by who but it was at 4 am or something

Eddie; why the fuck would he be at the quarry at 4 am?

Stan; idk i heard the guy who called it in thought richie was dead

Eddie; well shit.

Stan; so u wanna come or?

Eddie; yeah of course

Stan; k i'll pick u up in a half hour

Stan picked Eddie up exactly a half hour after he sent that message and they headed to the hospital. When arriving they rushed in the hospital, eager to see Richie. "Hi, do you know the room Richie Tozier is staying in?" Eddie asked the man sitting at the front desk. "He's in room 056." The man said.

It took the boys a few minutes to find Richie's room. Stan knocked and entered the room first. Eddie was in the hall hyperventilating.

"Oh, my goodness. Richie, what happened?" Stan asked the boy laying on the bed. "Ah, this ol' thang?" Richie replied in a southern accent gesturing to his whole body. "It's nothing."

"It's more than nothing Rich, who did this?" Stan asked. "You know that asshole Henry Bowers? Well, it was him." Richie said, "Turns out, when he threatens you on Instagram, he means it."

"Has anyone else visited you?" Stan looked around the room seeing a get well soon card and a green balloon. "Uh, yeah actually. My mom got here early this morning, I was passed out... cause you know I got jumped at 4 am but hey, she still made an effort." Richie said looking at the card. "But other than that, just you Stan." Richie said with a small visible smile.

"And Eddie." Stan said. "Did Eddie come here when I was all drugged up or something?" Richie asked amused. "No, he's here right now. He's having an asthma attack in the hallway." Stan said pointing through the small window. "Well is he okay?" Richie asked with panic in his voice.

"Yeah man, he's fine." Stan said walking over to Richie and sat on the side of the bed. "You really like him don't you?" Richie looked confused. Did Eddie let this happen to him? Was this just revenge for the whole Stacy thing? Was his best friend even paying attention to him this past month? "Yeah Stan, I do. But hey, this sorta happened because of him." 

Now Stan was confused. How could this possibly be Eddie's fault? "What?" Richie looked at the door. Eddie was standing at the door looking at  Richie. "How is you getting jumped my fault?" Eddie asked. "You texted me to meet you at the quarry so we could 'be together' and u never showed up." Richie said raising his voice.

"I never texted you." Eddie said stepping into the room. "Yes, you did. check my phone." Eddie looked through his phone and saw that someone did, in fact, text him. "This wasn't me." He argued. "Oh, really? Then why does the contact say Eddie Bear?" Richie said sarcastically.

"Eddie Bear?" Stan chimed in. "Oh Staniel, don't even star with me right now," Richie said giving him a death glare. "Really Richie? What could you do? You fucking arm is broken, so is your leg, and I'm surprised you can even see." Stan joked. "Fuck you stan. And you too Eddie."

"What why?" Eddie asked. "Because." There was a long pause, "if I didn't like you so much, I would have never gone to the quarry." Richie spoke. "So fuck Henry for somehow getting access to your phone, fuck you for being you, and fuck you stan, for not stopping me fall for Eddie, and fuck Bev for giving me your number, and fuck everything for being so fucking shitty." He said softly.

"Rich, it's okay," Stan said. "You're gonna be fine." He grabbed Richie's hand to comfort him. "I just want to be alone right now, okay?" Richie said whipping a tear from his bruised swollen face. "Fine, we'll be alone, together." Stan said with a soft smile.

Meanwhile, Eddie was standing at the foot of the bed thinking about what Richie had just said. fuck you stan, for not stopping me fall for Eddie. After what seemed like an hour but was only a few minutes Eddie landed back on Earth to see Richie crying and Stan comforting him. Eddie began to feel awkward so he left. He walked down the hallway for some air but when he looked up he was back in his bedroom.

a/n i know what your thinking... maybe. if u were thinking omg eddie had a nightmare that this happened... u wrong as heck. he just walked home and didnt remember walking home.

also i have no friends and i want friends will someone please be my friend?

... ik ^that sounded desperate... but i am... plz be my friend please.

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