Chapter 50

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I wrote the last part of this chapter a couple months ago and a couple weeks ago I was driving home and this song came on. I was shocked, because it fits so well with how Niall is feeling. Don't listen to it until the end of the chapter, because it will give the ending of the chapter away!


To describe lunch as awkward would be an understatement. Maura refuses to look in my direction. Niall refuses to spend more than five seconds looking at me, but was determined to sit next to me. So here we are, all quietly eating sandwiches. Everyone knows that Niall and I are still fighting and that Maura doesn't like me. I shouldn't have come. Niall needs more time to think everything through.

"I'm Johnny, by the way." Niall's stepdad says. He is obviously trying to lighten the mood. "What are your plans for the next couple days?"

"Today and most of tomorrow is just hanging out. Jess, Brett, and I will be fighting jet lag. I think New Years Eve we'll have a bar crawl or something." Rae happily informs Johnny.

"I already told you twice what the plans were." Niall surprisingly says through gritted teeth.

I look over at him shocked, but Niall doesn't acknowledge me. He is too focused on glaring at Johnny. Clearly, their relationship hasn't gotten any better. I was hoping that things would be better for Niall. I know break is only three weeks, so things wouldn't be one hundred percent better. I don't think Niall is even giving Johnny a chance. What kind of name is Johnny anyways? Can I just call him John? Wait, I'm getting off topic now.

"Oh Niall, give John a break." Maura brushes off Niall's rude comment.

I look over at John who doesn't seem all that surprised. I give him an apologetic smile. Niall clears his throat, so I look over at him. Niall gives me a disproving look and shakes his head. Is Niall mad at me for being nice to John? I don't understand why Niall hates him so much. Is it only because Maura married John so quickly after meeting him? Niall needs to talk about this. I understand if he doesn't want to talk about this with me, but he does need to talk about it.

"Are you finished?" Niall softly asks me.

"Um, yeah." I look over at Niall with curiosity.

"Jess and I are going on a walk. We will be back in awhile." Niall stands up with a glare resting on his face.

"Denise is going to be here any minute with Theo." Maura's face forms a hopeful smile.

"I didn't know Denise was coming over." Niall looks at his mom suspiciously.

"She brings Theo over once a week, but they were on holiday the last two weeks." As Maura shares this news with Niall he gets a big grin.

"Isn't Denise Greg's wife?" Harry cautiously asks.

"Yes." Niall and Maura say in unison.

"Oh cool. I haven't seen Greg in years. It will be good to see him." Harry smiles in excitement.

"Greg doesn't come." Maura says with a voice full of disappointment.

The awkward silence fills the room once again. I relax at the fact that this awkwardness isn't my fault. Maura wasn't lying though. Only a couple minutes go by before there is a light tapping at the front door. Since Niall is still standing he walks out of the kitchen. I listen closely as the front door opens and Niall excitedly yells. I hear laughter coming from Niall, a little child, and a woman. When the laughter dies down I hear footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. Soon Niall is entering the kitchen with a blonde little boy in his arms. A beautiful brunette woman following Niall's lead.

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