Chapter 66

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I only read through this once to edit it, so if you find any mistakes let me know! I'm crossing my fingers that updates will happen more often now. My life has finally slowed down. Enjoy the chapter!

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"Does anyone have questions for Jess?" McKenna asks the crowd of people.

I watch as dozens of people raise their hands. I brace myself for the questions as I look across the room to find Niall smiling at me. Answering questions is my least favorite part, but looking at Niall calms my nerves. I smile back at him and then turn my attention to the person who is talking. I search the crowd until I find the person. It is a guy who looks to be about the same age as me. There is a girl who is gorgeous sitting pretty close to him. I bet he came for her. She seems shocked that he is asking a question. What shocks me is the question he asks. At first I don't think I hear him correctly, so I just stare at him.

"Is Niall Horan the guy you are writing about?" The guy repeats himself. "I mean he is here sitting in the back."

"I, um." I nervously look at McKenna. McKenna shrugs her shoulders at me indicating that she doesn't know what I should say either. "Who I'm talking about doesn't really matter. What matters is what I learned and how much I have grown from the break up."

"True, but you talk about the Nile river and football. It's easy to assume that Niall Horan is the guy you are talking about." This guy smirks at me. "He did go to university in America for a bit."

"How do you know that?" I look at this weird guy.

"He is a professional football player and Irish. His whole football career is all over the internet. So, is he the guy you were talking about?" The guy looks at me waiting.

"Fine, yes he is the guy I'm talking about." As I say this McKenna shakes her head no at me.

"Are you guys back together?" The girl sitting next to the nosy guy asks.

"No we are not." I look at Niall as I say this. He doesn't look surprised, but he isn't happy. "But us being together is besides the point."

A different person raises their hand and before a microphone can be handed to her she is standing up asking her question.

"If you guys are back together then that gives the rest of us hope. That maybe our ex really is the one we are supposed to be with." This girl looks at me hopefully.

"What?" At first I'm caught off guard and my thoughts start to scramble. After a few awkward seconds I think of what to say. "No! This book, my book, has nothing to do with getting back together with the guy who broke my heart. This book is all about learning to love yourself and to see the good in life. I know in the book I said that I would get together with my ex-boyfriend, but if I did get back together with him it wouldn't change what the book means. It wouldn't change my life. It wouldn't make me happy. I don't need a guy for that. I only need me to do those things. That's the whole point of the book. If you think me getting back together with my ex means you still have a change with your ex, you are wrong. You shouldn't be sitting around, hoping to get back together with your ex. You should be moving on and improving your life. That's what I did and because I did I am ready to love again."

"So your friends now?" The guy from before speaks.

I look over at Niall frustrated. I am so glad he is here, but I hate that people are asking about him. I mean people have always asked about him, but its weird now that he is here and we are going to get back together.

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