Chapter 14

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"Jess, it is your job to keep Niall out of the frat house until six-thirty. Can you handle that?" Louis asks and I simply nod my head yes. "Do you have any questions?"

"Yeah, why do I have to distract Niall?" Brett should just do it or Harry. Really anyone other than me.

It has been four days since Niall innocently touched me and it gave me butterflies. Avoiding him has not been easy since we have class together, I'm his tutor, and he is my brother's roommate. I have seen him everyday. Yesterday while we were studying our hands brushed and I thought my heart was going to fly out of my chest.

"We have to get everything set up and plus I know you want some one on one time with the birthday boy." Louis wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"What are you talking about Louis? Why are you trying to make Niall and I more than friends?" Did Harry or Rae say something to him?

"I ship team Ness!" Louis dramatically raises his arms.

"Team Ness? Are you kidding me right now?" A laugh does slip out of my mouth. "Why do you think Niall and I would work?"

"You hated each other like three weeks ago, but now you are basically best friends. Yet you have managed to hate Liam for three years and aren't stopping anytime soon. I just think you and Niall would work. I have seen how he stops overthinking and enjoys himself when you are around and AND," Louis raises his voice getting excited. "I have taken note of how you are more aware of your actions. You seem less selfish. I feel like you have bonded with each other in a way that neither of you have with anyone else."

My mind goes back to a couple Saturdays ago when Niall and I were at the football stadium. Niall and I took turns talking about our families. Then earlier this week when I told Niall about my fear of not being good enough. We have bonded and are closer than Louis or anyone else knows. I didn't even realize until now how close I am with Niall.

"Yes we have bonded, but we are just friends." I shrug like it's no big deal, but Louis smirks. "What do you think you know Louis?"

"One Mr. Harry Styles told me something different." I am going to kill Harry. "Before you try to deny it, don't."

"He is attractive, but that's it." I try to ignore the frustration in my voice.

Louis looks down at his wrist and then says, "time is a ticking. Go have fun with Niall."

I laugh that Louis doesn't have a watch on, but acts like he knows the time. No matter how obnoxious he can be he is still hilarious. I will always be grateful that he is my best friend.

"Just friends Louis." I smile and walk out of the frat house.

On my way out I hear Louis yell, "for now."

I walk across the street and get into my car. As I drive to Niall's I try to think of what we could do for five hours. The guys took Niall to breakfast at ten a.m so I don't think he will be hungry. Louis told me to just show up at the dorm and distract him. I guarantee Niall doesn't want to spend some of his birthday alone with me. I sigh as I pull into the parking lot. Today is going to be very long. I get out of the car and slowly walk inside and up the steps.

When I get to the correct door I softly knock on it. I look down at my outfit and start messing with my shirt. I'm wearing black cut off jeans with a white button up shirt that has black stripes and ties in a knot at the bottom. I wore my white Keds since I have no clue what Niall and I will be doing today.

 I wore my white Keds since I have no clue what Niall and I will be doing today

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