Chapter 56

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Walking into the Tomlinson's house after the funeral seems different. The sadness that loomed over the house seems to be gone. Maybe not forever, but for now that sadness has subsided. Everyone that was at the burial have gathered here for a late lunch. That means our small group of friends gather together in the corner. We want to stay out of everyone's way. We are here to support Louis and if that means awkwardly standing off to the side then we will.

"Niall, there you are!" I hear female Irish voice exclaim.

I freeze in my spot next to Rae. I don't remember Maura's voice, but I can conclude that this voice belongs to her. I shift my body and bring my hand up to my eye. I pretend to rub my face, but I am actually trying to hide from one of the people I blame for my break up with Niall.

"Hey mum. How are you holding up?" Niall confirms who it is by acknowledging his mom.

Anne and Karen follow Maura by walking over to our group. Harry and Rae become distracted with Anne. While Liam talks to his mom. I look over at Brett and he smiles at me. I watch as he starts talking to Liam and his mom. Now I stand in a circle of people with everyone's backs to me. To not feel so awkward I decide to go to the bathroom. As I turn to leave I hear someone call out to me. A person I very much didn't want to talk to. I freeze in my spot and try to figure out if I should just act like I never heard her.

"Jessica!" The same feminine voice calls out to me.

I force a smile, turn around, and say, "hi Maura."

Niall coughs and the sound makes me look over at him. That cough is one I use to find so much humor in. He is trying to hide his laugh. As I look at Niall I see the amusement in his eyes. He finds something about this situation funny. I, however, find this situation impossible.

"It is so good to see you. I didn't realize you were so close to Louis." Maura's fake smile makes me want to slap her.

Before I respond, I weigh my options here. I could mention Louis and I sleeping together or how Louis was the one who introduced Niall and I. The past two years I have spent sucking up to people and holding back all sassy or rude remarks. I would say that Niall and his mom are the last two people who deserve any of my respect.

"I guess you just assumed that I was Niall's girlfriend and not actually apart of this amazing group of friends." I feel my expression change to one of distaste. "Louis and I knew each other for a couple years before he introduced me to Niall." I let out a laugh. "Oh the stories I could tell you about the crazy things Louis and I have done."

Maura shifts uncomfortably. I look over at Niall who seems shocked by my answer. How did they expect me to respond? Maura was awful to me the first and only time we met. She was also a reason why Niall and I broke up, I think. Niall's phone rings and Maura and I both look over at Niall.

"I have to take this. Its coach." Niall turns and walks away as he answers his phone.

"Jess, I just want to apologize for how I treated you in the past." Maura looks at me with an overflowing about of sincerity and guilt. "I was in a dark place. Seeing Niall need a woman other than me made me freak out. He is my baby and I just wasn't ready to see him grow up."

"So you sabotaged our relationship?" She may feel guilty, but I don't care.

"I'm not happy about the things I said or did. I just want you to know that I think you have become a wonderful young woman. I loved reading your book, but hated that it was written because of a heartbreak. Any mum would be proud to have you as their daughter in law." Maura then smiles at me. "I hope you can forgive Niall and me."

"Uh, thank you?" I hate that I sound confused by this, but how else do I respond? I thought Maura would be rude, but instead she is apologizing and complimenting me.

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