Chapter 61

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"How are things going?" Rae whispers.

It's almost one a.m in New York City. Harry is probably fast alseep and poor Rae is still adjusting to the time difference. Harry is going back to work tomorrow, so Rae told him to go to bed. Rae and I have been talking for almost an hour. She is just barely getting up the nerve to ask me about Niall.

"How do you think things are going?" I ask amused, but also very tired. "Niall is so needy and Louis isn't any help. I feel like a maid, a chef, a therapist, and a nurse all in one."

"You are only there for two more days, I think you can handle it." Rae laughs at my whining.

"More like three days. I still have tonight, the next two days, and then a couple hours before I leave. I don't know how these two are going to survive without me. Louis has no clue what he is doing with his life and Niall is convinced that his knee is ruined. I'm about to force them both to come on my book tour with me." Its a crazy idea, but they both need to get away for awhile.

"Could you really handle being around Niall for the next two months?" Rae asks in an accusing tone.

"Niall isn't that bad. He has been very polite and the flirty comments have died down." I have actually gotten use to him being around.

"Right." I can tell that Rae is smiling. "You are softening up."

"The guy can barely walk and don't get me started on his sad puppy eyes." I huff in frustration. "Of course I'm softening up. Who can hate a cripple?"

"Jess!" Rae bursts into laughter. "He isn't going to be a cripple forever. How are you going to feel about him when he can walk normally and play soccer again?"

"Meh, I will figure that out when the time comes." I feel a smile spread across my face. "That's not going to be for like a year or something. There is time."

"You mean time for him to wiggle back into your heart." Rae says accusingly.

"Nope!" I have helped him get dressed the past two days and the desire to rip his clothes is becoming less.

"Jess!" I hear Niall whine from downstairs. "I need more water!"

"Speaking of Niall. The little prince just woke up. I better go." I tell Rae as I stand from my bed.

"Have fun." I can tell that Rae is mocking me.

"Oh I will. Bye!" I hang up the phone and leave my room. As I walk down the stairs I say loudly, "are you hungry?"

"Only for you." I hear Louis say while laughing.

I march into the living room and glare at the both of them. They are both laughing, but busy playing video games. Louis could have got Niall water, but no. Stupid video games. I should break the stupid thing before I leave.

"Why did you call me down here when Louis could have gotten you water?" I cross my arms trying not to get angry.

"Jess we are in the middle of a very important game." Louis says while keeping his eyes on the TV.

"I am sick of you two always playing these video games." I stomp across the room so I stand in front of the TV. I ignore the groans from Niall and Louis. "Louis you haven't helped Niall at all in the last two days and Niall. Well, I don't know what to yell at you for, but you are annoying me as well."

Don't get me wrong, I have loved being here for Louis and Niall. They both need someone to help them. Maura tried to get Niall to go to Ireland, but Niall didn't want to be a burden to his mom. Louis and I have stayed up late talking about his feelings and what he is going to do now. I think the constant taking care of them both has exhausted me. I have gotten eight hours of sleep combined the last two nights. The pain is worse at night for Niall, so between him and Louis, I am exhausted.

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