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The wind whistled as it blew my blonde hair on my face. I got a little irritated. I pushed back the locks that hit my face and behind my ears. A hand squeezed my arm from behind and I looked.

"We'll miss you" my father said, his voice cracking.

"Make sure to visit us sometimes" my mom chuckled but I sure can feel her throat tight.

I've decided it's my turn to move out of the house after my older brother Cameron moved to Memphis three years before. It's painful to do but it's part of growing up. This isn't even the end of everything but to think you're not going to see your parents when you arrive home, instead just see an empty room, no one to greet you and hug you or kiss you, just you by yourself, is just awful.

I'm Egan Miller, by the way. Twenty years old, about to face another stressful years in school-college. I might be old enough but I'm just starting. College, most probably, is the start of facing the real world. There are different kinds of people surrounding you and everything and the depressing thing is, your dearest friends that had been with you since kindergarten to high school had moved out already, went to different states and that's basically what I'm facing right now.

"I will...I will. I promise if I got the time I would" I gave both of them a sad smile as I prepare pulling my luggage and head to the conveyor belt.

"You promise us you'll be okay?" My mother said. She's almost tearing up and it's breaking my heart.

"Yes mom...I'll be okay" I replied then I bit my lower lip to avoid crying, but I don't think I can hold it any longer. "I love you guys and I'll miss you."

I pulled my luggages and head to the conveyor belt with my heart on my throat. I don't know what's going to come. I glanced back again to see my parents hugging each other, looking at me like they want to stop me from going, but can't do anything about it.

"God, I hope I'd be okay" I silently prayed, titling my head up for a second. "God," I called out once again "please help me."

I was too damn nervous about this. I sure am familiar with household stuff, doing the laundry, everything. But a little piece of me feels like I'm not ready to be independent yet but, I have to. I have to adjust and get the little girl attitude out of my mind because now I'm grown. I'll deal with my own choices. I can't accept that it's happening too fast...or for now.

It's A Secret (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now