Chapter 7:

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I woke up to the loud ringing sound of the alarm clock.

Wait, why do I even have an alarm? It's the weekend and thank God it is the weekend because I think I might have a fever. I couldn't manage to skip classes because catching up is difficult as hell. The university canceled the class just yesterday for some sorority and fraternity issue and that is not my business.

I guessed my temperature by feeling my neck with the back of my hand. I was burning.

Weak, I stood up with my head weighing tons, I reached for the medicine on my cabinet where my soaked clutch was resting. It dried up for a little bit but it's still a little watery. I sighed.

I didn't have anything to drink and my mouth is dried up so I walked myself to the kitchen but my feet were still hurting from last night, so I can't even walk properly.

After forever, I finally reached the kitchen and had a glass of water to drink.

I swallowed the medicine and I can feel my appetite wasn't in the mood for any breakfast, so I let myself fall in the couch-which made my head hurt a little more because I accidentally hit the arm of the sofa-and just slept in.

I was woken up by a knock on the door. It was audible but it's not loud, not aggressive. It was actually a gentle knock. I wonder who the hell would visit me as early as-

I glanced at the clock that reads 10:54am and I was extremely hungry so I got a little cranky.

Half asleep, I twisted the knob and yanked the door open, revealing Hunter.

My soul suddenly woke up. "Hunter Hayes?!"

"Oh...I'm sorry if I woke you up this early. I just want to check if you're okay."

"No you didn't, it's alright and...I'm fine." I rubbed my eyes and blinked rapidly four times. "Come in."

He goes in and I shut the door. I went to the kitchen yet again. "Can I get you something to eat?"

" thanks" he refused.

"How about something to drink? Coffee? Tea? Hot cocoa?"

"Uh, yeah, coffee, sure. If you don't mind?" He grinned, his arm resting on the couch arm...if that's what you call it.

"No, I don't" I managed to smile back as I'm preparing myself hot cocoa and french toast, and preparing him coffee.

I spread butter and honey on the toast, and placed it on a tray together with the coffee and my hot cocoa.

"So, how are you?" he asks from the sofa.

"Fine...I might have a fever but I think I'm doing okay."

"Are you sure?"

"And aren't you scared that you might catch the fever?"

I raised the tray off the counter and went to the living room.

"No and if I did I'd probably be alright with it."

"And don't you have any rehearsals to attend to?"

"I don't. It's my day off. Though I should really be with my guitar right now but I want to make sure you're alright."

"I am" I sat beside him and placed the tray on the coffee table. I moved the cup of coffee near him and took a sip of the cocoa.

"I smell chocolate" he joked and I wiped my face with the back of my hand.

"'s...cocoa" I beckoned, he was drinking the coffee.

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