Chapter 21:

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Two in the morning, a loud and aggressive knock was heard on my door. I was deadly sleepy so it caused me to panic a little.

I yanked the door open and I was expecting Hunter, but a different one showed up.


She comes in. I couldn't tell if she was pissed, disappointed or sad. I supposed she already knows what happened. She's hardcore obsessed with him.

I sat in silence waiting for her to vent.

"This is the thing you're breaking down about, Egan?"

I nodded, speechless.

"You could've just told me. You know? You're more important than him on my life, don't you feel the same?"

"I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell anyone, but he wasn't letting me. Now I'm right and him and I knew it. I wanted to tell you Egan. I'm...I'm really sorry."

She sat beside me, as if it was okay with her. She hugged me sincerely and I cried on her shoulder.

"Did you guys even get to talk about this?"

"After the paparazzi harassed us like hell, we never spoke. Ever. But tomorrow morning, I'll try to get it right."

"You should, you need to work that out, okay?"

"I don't know what to do." I lay my head on her lap and just sobbing there. "And I cannot express how sorry I am I didn't tell you about this earlier. I just don't want him to be disappointed on me."

"Egan, I honestly don't care if you didn't tell me. And anyways, you're experiencing severe pain right now. I kind of want to go talk to him about this-"

"Govanne, you guys aren't even close!"

"That's a damn lie. I met him? And I'm pretty sure he knows I exist." She gently stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll talk to him for you-"

"Hold up! Govanne, it's three am. Wouldn't he find it odd when he's in a bad mood and contemplating about too much that has happened so fast in just one day when suddenly when his girlfriend's best friend knocks on his door? Wouldn't he get pissed?"

"I'll do it tomorrow, then."

"It's your decision this time, Govanne. I'm not convincing you to do so."

"You don't have to. I already have the initiative anyways." She went back to sit down the couch with me and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"You know I was really expecting you to be mad at me."

"Well I wasn't mad at you but I was disappointed you didn't tell me about this earlier. I could've helped you! You know I'm always here, right?"

"He didn't approve of telling anyone so I had to just follow. I want his trust."

"Egan, what's the use of keeping something as a secret for the sake of trust if it will lead you into something life-complicating? I will definitely talk to him tomorrow."

"It's you're decision to talk to him. Tell him that."

"I will, don't worry."

Hunter's POV:

It was almost nine am and I was too depressed to go to the studio and meet everybody, even though they have convinced me to go there because they want to start the recording and the songs for the album. I told them I'm sick, although it's no use since they've also found out about me and Egan.

Then someone knocked on my door and I was really expecting Egan, but my heart sank down when I answered the door and somebody different appeared.

Govanne Badeux, her best friend. Of course she found out about this first. What do I expect?


"I need to talk to you."

I gestured my hand inviting her inside the aparment. I supposed this has something to do with Egan. I'm not even surprised anymore.

"I'm sorry for-"

"You're good, it's all good. Just speak up. Do you want anything?" I proceeded to the kitchen to prepare her something, but she resented.

"I just need to talk to you." Her tone seemed so serious and I got really scared and speechless. I just sat with her on the living room. My head bowed, I couldn't look at her straight in the eye.

"Are you guys talking about this yet?"

"No. I'm scared." I admitted.


"I should've listened to her, okay? If it wasn't for me trying to convince her to just keep this whole relationship as a secret, none of this would've happened. It's all my fault and I'm scared she's definitely going to rub it on my face."

"No she won't. Don't you know she hasn't been eating all day? She didn't really instructed me with this approach, Hunter. I did this initially because I want you guys to fix this. I know you really love her and she really loves you too and if that's the truth you guys would definitely do something just to stay strong despite all of this."

"You're right. But she doesn't seem interested anymore."

"Don't think like that, Hunter. If you don't let your pride take over, you'd still make an effort even though she's shaking you away."

"I know, I know. It's really bad."

"It is."

"I'm going to talk to her later, that was what I was planning to do but I thought she would just slam the door on me."

"It would be great if she still sees your effort."

"She wouldn't be able to recognize it anymore, though, and it's sad."

"It's worth a try, Hunter. It's worth a try, I'm telling you."

"Okay...I'll do it."

Egan's POV:

"Egan, please open up" I heard Hunter's heart breaking plead on the other side of the door. I wanted to answer but I absolutely have no idea what to tell him.

"Egan, please. I love you so much. Please, Egan."

I wasn't even ready to face him because I know it would just end up with fighting and yelling instead of talking things out, finally compromising. I know him.

"Open the door, please."

I slid my back on the door, crying out loud. My heart is breaking and I could feel his heart crushing to pieces because of all these crap. It feels like there's a heavy weight that had dropped on my chest and I was actually having migranes because of being sleepless, crying and I haven't been eating all day. I was too tired of everything to do anything.

"Egan please let me in."

I was breaking down already, kicking nothing and punching the wall, desperately wanting to open up hearing him plead, but I feel like he's just acting and we would end up shouting at each other again.

Ironically, I was already wishing this pain would end, but how the hell would it end if I wouldn't want to talk to him?

"All he did was ignore you and pretend you never existed..." Cherry's voice echoed in my head, repeating what she said on the previous fight I had with him. It's like it's testing my conscience and my heart, trying to call me out for this terrible thing I'm doing-and I'm fully aware of that. But why am I not fighting it? "That's the effort you were looking for back then, and now you've got it. You're taking this for granted Egan..."

"Egan...Egan..." her voice echoed repeatedly until I realized Hunter was shouting out my name already.

"Egan please!"

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