Chapter 2:

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The elevator slides down to the basement where the parking lot is and as it stops and the door slides sideways, I reached for my phone from my clutch bag and I saw a text message from the guy who arranged the whole thing and the message consisted of the place where it'll occur and I made Cherry read the message and asked her if she knows the place. I'm unfamiliar with it.

"Nope but let me check" she pulls her phone out of her clutch also and searched for the place in the maps. She scrolled a multiple times until she finds where we are. "It's actually near here, thank God."

"Yeah, but how many minutes until we get there...with a car?"

"Twenty." She replies without a doubt.

"Are you sure?"

"I meant maybe. I've never been in that place before but if you look at the map, it's probably pretty easy to get there."

I was still absolutely unsettled by what she said but it's going to be her fault if we get lost.

"I have GPS, stop being a little bitch" she pushed me a little bit but I kind of lost balance since I'm wearing heels but I regained it in two seconds. Also, I didn't realize that I actually said that out loud.

"Alright" I blinked at her and she walked towards the ride. I jerked and just followed her lead once again.

She unlocked the car and entered the driver's seat and I just stared at her. "What the hell are you waiting for?"

I just bobbed my head but I didn't reply. She looked to her right where the front seat is and saw the door locked. "Oh, I'm sorry."

She unlocked the door and I got in then roughly pulled it so it closes securely. "You should've said anything!"


She starts the engine and it roared. She turned on the GPS and it showed where we currently are.

"I told you so"

"Geez" I hissed and rolled my eyes and she drives off.

I pulled my phone out of my clutch and looked at the time. It reads 12:44pm. Party already started. and it will take us twenty minutes-according to her-for us to get there. Moreover, I have apprehended that we actually took a hell load of time to prepare but I guess that's the usual thing. One of the reasons why boys get impatient over waiting for girls on their front doors whenever they go and pick them up for a fancy date.

I pulled down the skirt part of my dress once again because I thought it can reveal too much.

"Are you alright?"


"Because you seemed to take a deep breath every now and then while you stare at the window." I didn't realize.

"I'm honestly just too nervous. What if he won't like what I'm wearing?"

"He will! Trust me. That's the best can pull out. I'm sure he'll think differently towards you this time. High school is a hell lot dissimilar to college. He'd think you're already mature by now."

"I'm always a little girl in his eyes. I've always been. I found that this outfit would perhaps make him think that I'm trying to look mature but it's not working."

"Don't think that way! You will just ruin everything with those thoughts. I mean look at what happened to your prom."

"Don't rub it in." I ran my tongue on my teeth and returned back into looking out the window to the joy of looking at the places we passes through in a fast or even in a slow speed.

After what seemed to be five minutes, I was still glancing at everything outside the car and remained fascinated. A voice was heard from my back. "You seemed fascinated" she observed.

"Yeah...actually..." I replied without continuing my sentence because I was too busy noticing everything from outside. It felt like I was a little girl all over again. I could also remember when my dad drives his four by four truck around the county and the windows are down, the wind blows my blonde hair towards my face that I had to tie it and he was driving moderately fast. That's how I bond with my father back then. Suddenly, I felt nostalgic. You know that feeling you get whenever you remember something you desperately want to get back to but can't, that feeling you get on your heart like it wants to burst and that physical feeling on your nose connecting to your eyes and it felt like you want to cry, but as much as you want to, there apparently is not going to be any tears flowing anytime soon? That's basically how I feel right now. It had only been five months and I still miss my family too much. I don't even know if I could get used to this.

"Are you seriously okay?" I was asked yet again.

"Yeah...yeah. Just a little nostalgic, I guess." Then I told her how I actually felt, the memories of me and my dad bonding together.

"You're not alone, Egan...don't worry. I feel the same when all of the sudden I see or encounter something that can recall so much about my memories with my dad. It's normal."

I nodded.

After loads of minutes of not speaking and just being astounded by the view, she killed the engine and I realized that we're already at the place.

"Promise me you know the way back" I looked at her sincerely.

"As far as I could remember, we're good." She smiles.

"Thank goodness" I sighed in relief.

I hopped out of the car and roughly shut the door. I went to the front of the entrance and waited for her as she does a background check inside the car then when she's done, she closes the door and followed me towards the entrance.

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