Chapter 9:

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Yes I did a little bit of research for this chapter and I must admit the results for the search was a little difficult to analyze, that's why I just added a little bit of the knowledge that I've gathered from that site.

I might be taking this fan fiction too seriously and I'm not even sorry.



I sat in class with Govanne beside me, slowly moving her chair closer startled by the actual human brain that my professor brought in class.

This one guy named Kian raised his hand. "Mr. Jones, are we're really going to dissect a human brain and explore on it?"

"Yes, Mr. Smith. Now get excited."

He whispered "Yes" in a cheerful way and Govanne looked really frightened.

"Why did I even take this course? God help me" she muttered under her breath. Mr. Jones apparently heard her.

"What's wrong Ms. Badeux?"


"She's uncomfortable" I explained frankly before she can even tell a lie. She widened her eyes on me and I just shrugged. "She's a little scared of going to dissect a human brain."

Mr. Jones laughed. "Oh Govanne Badeux, it's from a dead person's body and it can't hurt you anymore. Don't worry" he tapped on her shoulders and she still shivered on the sight of the brain.

"It gives me the creeps, Mr. Jones. Can I be excused from doing that?"

"I'm afraid not, Ms. Badeux, or I might have to fail you in this one and you don't want that." He leaned towards Govanne. "If you fail it would definitely reflect on your transcript that you will show every company you want to get into."

"Stop trying to scare me with my grades on the transcript" Govanne demanded giving Mr. Jones a scowl.

"Oh I'm not trying to scare you or anything, Govanne Badeux" he walked out and back to his desk. "I'm just stating the truth here. I'm sure all of you fears to fail my class or any class at all. You have to do this, Ms. Badeux. And it's not really that bad."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Disecting a frog is worse, frankly."

"It's true, Govanne" Kian butts in the conversation. "Pick one, a paralyzed living frog that when cut open could inflate their lungs as big as an average big guy's hand-and you will witness it happen right in front of you-or simply a human brain that could not do anything since it's detached from the body of someone."

"She told me she had to skip school when they conducted that experiment in Biology" I shared laughing then I felt her hand roughly interacted with my arm. I jumped in slight ache.

"Would you shut up about that?" She hissed and I continued laughing at her.

"It feels like the most appropriate moment to share that. I just had to let that out."

"Ms. Miller, Ms. Badeux. Let it go now, it's time for seriousness."

I shrugged and just shut my mouth and giving Govanne some glances, and those glances she was glaring at me. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Let's start off with the four lobes." He raises the brain up for the students to see. He held the frontal lobe and discussed further. "This lobe-the frontal lobe-is responsible for the understanding, expressive language, reasoning and motor skills, but that's not all."

He explained further to the whole class on what possible psychological problems might occur if there was a damage in the frontal lobe such as: increase in risk taking, change in sexual habits, attention, etcetera-according to him.

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