Chapter 6:

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It was really odd hearing a sea of people cheering for your own boyfriend and calling him 'theirs' or their boyfriend or even their husband. I didn't really get irritated or affected and all, I could totally just laugh about it. I just found it weird and awkward. But for them I'm just another normal 'fangirl' who cheers for someone who serves as an inspiration to everybody, for somebody who's amazing, for somebody who she thinks have got it all, that's why it seemed all natural for them. But for me, it's not, because in the back of my mind I know he's that special someone in my life and I am that special someone in his and nobody even knows. Nobody but us.

I checked my phone and I got a text from Hunter saying he's about to send someone to get me backstage. And then that exact same time I unlocked my phone I received a call from him.

"Govanne, Mikayla's calling me. I think I have to go" I said while answering the phone. "Hello?"

"Go beside the stage near that bus over there, okay? I'll meet you there."

"Okay, I'll be there."

I hung up and explained to Govanne that I really have to go.

She didn't really took it with a heavy heart, she knew I will really reunite with Mikayla and she knows that I would pay up with a sleepover movie marathon-slumber party thing so I don't think she would say goodbyes against her will.

"Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay I will. I love you, see you later!"

"I love you too." We gave each other a kisses on the cheeks like the usual.

We don't really feel weird about it, I mean, it's typical for us now. We even walk while holding hands and people are staring thinking we're a couple. But actually we're just best friends. My mom and her best friend does it too up until now, even though my dad and her husband gives them a weird look whenever they do it.

I went to the area where Hunter told me to meet him and saw him standing there looking around and on his phone.

"Hey! Hey, I'm here-"

"Shh" he placed his index finger on my lips, cutting me off. "Someone could hear us."

"They'd be more suspicious when they caught you doing this."

"No more time! I told the band and crew I'm going somewhere important and I have to be there asap. I should be gone by now. Let's go." He grabbed my arm and ran to his car.

"Why do you seem to be in a hurry? I should be the one worrying because I'm the one who decided all of this as a secret."

"If I didn't want all of this as a secret I should be fighting you right now." He unlocked the door to the front seat for me to get in. He walked around and I unlocked the door to the driver's seat in order for it to not cause some inconvenience. I mean, he said we were in a hurry so I guess we really have to be in a hurry even though there's no particular reason to double time.

"Wait, why did you want this as a secret?"

"I realized you're right. This would cause a heck load of dramas for everybody. It'll be such a big fuzz and I don't want that. You're right Egan."

Inside, I began to realize this is kind of wrong to do, but I shook it off since it has a point anyways.

I opened my mouth to say something, but then I choose just to shut up about it. I didn't want to fight him saying I noticed that it's wrong and perhaps inappropriate because I'm the one who came up with the idea anyway.


He sat on the bench beside me, the same exact bench I sat with Reece. It was near the bridge on the same park. He was holding two cones of ice cream and gave one to me, strawberry flavored. I giggled.

"I didn't tell you this was what I wanted."

"You told me strawberry is number one on your favorite flavors of ice cream list and next is chocolate so I bought you that and I got this vanilla ice cream."

"Hold up, I thought you prefer chocolate than vanilla?"

"Yeah," he shrugged. "But they don't have that flavor so I got this instead. I like it, but it's not really as good as chocolate."

"I's almost my least favorite one, I have to admit." I said as I lick my ice cream.

He began to laugh out loud and I raised an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

"You got something on your nose."

I touched my nose and felt ice cream on it. I was about to wipe it off with my hand but he got ahead of me and wiped it with a tissue instead while chuckling.

"Stop it!"

"But it's really funny!"

"Hunter, stop!" I pinched his arm and he looked at me seriously.

"So this is what you want it to be, Egan" he took a mini scoop off his cone with his finger and stroked it on my nose.

"No!" I get back on him by doing the same and we ended up fighting and getting back at each other and just giggling. Soon enough our faces have ice creams on them and we had to head to the restroom to clear it up.

Good thing I have this facial wash in my purse always, in my makeup bag and I wondered what's happening to him in the boy's room. Probably getting stared at while washing his face and making guys go all "Hunter Hayes?" or just a simple "You're that Hunter Hayes dude right?" And maybe he's also getting odd looks like why would a Country music superstar wash his face on a public restroom?-what's wrong with that anyway? I don't see how famous people washing their faces in a restroom where "normal" people goes can be considered illegal.

I got out of the restroom and he was already waiting there wiping his face with a paper towel and I must admit he looked too adorable. I couldn't help myself.

"Are you set?"

"Set for what?"

"Our next destination!"

"Oh" I bobbed my head a little. "Yeah, I am. But, doesn't it seem a little too soon?"

"Our ice cream fight lasted long, didn't you notice?"

"I guess time flies fast when you spend it when someone you love truly" I immediately replied without thinking.

"Wow, Egan...when did you get so cheesy and deep? That's two things you hated."

"I don't even know."

He poked me on the side and I resisted. "Someone's really hungry."


"Come on!" He grabbed my hand and we ran to his car.


"Hey" he called out, his voice was soft and gentle. I was dumbfounded the whole time and was staring out the window. His eyes can't keep steady on the road and he constantly look at me from time to time. "Egan, are you okay?"

"What?" I shook my head and looked at him. "What was that?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You're just emotionlessly looking at the window and I got worried."

Pretty sure I did what I usually do doing car rides again-reminiscing.

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