Chapter 12:

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While I was on my phone texting the band that I will be there soon but I "lost my car keys", Egan on the other hand rested her head on the back cushion of the couch.

"Are you not having trouble with that kind of position? It sort of making me feel like your neck can break anytime soon."

"I do this often, don't worry. I'm safe." Both of her hands are interlaced, on her stomach. She closed her eyes as I continued replying to the text message.

I kept on taking mini glances at her then back to my phone repeatedly. She looked really adorable but I'm scared if she bared her eyes open she'd see me, and she might get the wrong idea and she would probably think I'm sort of a creep or something like that. But half of me says she's not that kind of person.

I placed my phone down on the coffee table and cracked my knuckles for a little bit. She opened her eyes, perhaps distracted by my the sound of my knuckles popping.

"Hey, are you about to leave?"

"In a bit, yeah." I nodded. She moved a little closer to me and I slid my hand through her hair and played with a thin lock, wrapping it around my index finger.

And then I realized that what I was doing was sort of absolutely creepy, so I decided to stop.

"What's wrong?"

"That was odd, I'm sorry." I apologized, my hands picking on few callouses on my fingers that I got from playing guitar.

"I admittedly kind of liked that" she smirked and looked down on my hands, then up to face me once again.


"Of course! Who wouldn't want someone playing with their hair. It's relaxing and sweet" she chuckles, then frowned a little bit. "Well that made me sound really desperate."

I shrugged. "I'm cool with it."


"Yeah" I smiled at her once again. "Hey, so..." I stood up, doing hand gestures.

She got up also. "You're leaving?"

"I guess so" I beckoned, sighing.

"It's like you're going there against your will" she said half joking.

"Half of me wants to go there, half of me feel forced to go there. But I love the studio. It gives me the opportunity to release my emotions with music."

"And you've got to get that idea to be put into writing before you even forget about it."

"Well as I've said, I haven't thought of the melody, lyrics or anything yet. I'll think of it while I'm driving, I think." I raised an eyebrow. "So, Egan revoir?" I said hesitatingly in the best French accent I could do.

I walked to the door and she followed me. "Hey, keep your eyes on the road while you're at it." She reminded.

"I will, don't worry."

"Bye Hunter" she waved her hand as I twisted the knob. I was standing almost too close to her. A little too close like we're about to kiss, but I can't do that.

I walked out of the apartment and grinned at her for the last time. "Bye Egan Miller."

She nods with a smile and shuts the door. I walked on the empty halls of the building with my hands in my pocket and I looked around to see different doors with their numbers descending as I walk towards the elevator.

I got in and few other people are already inside. Most of them had their eyes wide open staring at me.

I was about to punch in the "B" on the buttons but it was already lightened up so I guess someone had already aimed also to go to the parking lot.

"Oh my god it's Hunter Hayes" I heard some girl behind me whispered. I couldn't help but look behind me since I definitely heard my name there.

"You're Hunter Hayes, right?" The girl asked.

I shrugged, grinning. "Yeah."

The other girl opened her mouth about to say something, but the elevator made the "Ding!" sound and I heard her say "Oops" in a high pitched voice. "T'was nice meeting you Hunter."

"Bye!" The two girl said in sync while running out of the elevator.

I waved back before the door even completely slide shut.

I took two steps backward and leaned on the wall that appears like a perfect mirror.

I realized that I was with this guy in a hoodie and his reflections on the wall made it look like he's trying to hide his face with the hood and his brown hair gathered in front of his face. Can he still see?

I was hesitant to approach and I better not. The elevator made me feel like I was being pulled down while in a box, but isn't that how it basically is?

The door slid sideways revealing the parking lot. Couple of cars parked, few slots are vacant and I stepped out of the elevator first despite the fact that the guy is a nearer on the exit than I was. It's a pretty large elevator, by the way.

I got a little creeped out but I let the guy flow, but I still got a gut feeling that this guy might've been someone I knew.

I did a double take and got a little peak from what the guy looks like. It's like I knew him from three years before-oh crap.

I'm not letting anything happen to her. I whispered to myself while hurriedly reaching for the phone in my pocket.

Hey, where is this Reece Martin guy from?

I anticipated for a reply and I didn't really expect her to text back really immediate. I forgot that I've also observed her hands are really fast when texting.

He's not from Nashville, don't worry. Haha...why'd you ask?

I didn't want to freak her out or something. She was really sick and I don't want her to worry about anything. She should really be relaxing right now and perhaps she should be in bed resting. I planned to tell her that I was just curious and I casually followed this guy's actions and directions with my eyes.

I got in my car whilst observing his moves and so far nothing suspicious happened. He ordinarily got in his car and I put in my car keys, trying to find the keyhole because my eyes were on him the whole time.

When I finally get to insert the keys, I turned it and the engine started. I looked at the guy's car crossing my way and I drove off following him until outside the parking lot.

I turned left and he headed the opposite way, but I'm not letting him get away that quick. I still kept an eye on his car from my side mirrors and good thing he didn't turn back to the apartment building like what I expected.

His car reflection faded from my side mirror and is replaced by other cars. I let out a heavy breath in relief but I'm still worried about Egan nonetheless.

But I shouldn't really assume.

It's A Secret (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora