Chapter 5:

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I prepared myself for the festival me and Govanne will attend to. She looked so psyched about seeing him live, it makes me happy. It's like a dog excited to see his owner right after a whole day of not seeing each other. I thought it was adorable.

I wore a simple outfit. A simple reddish pink sundress and I partnered it with sandals and red bolero since it matches with the dress. Govanne, on the other hand wore the best she can. I thought. This fashion style is honestly more than her usual. Maybe it's because it's her first time to see Hunter perform live.

There's joy painted on my face and there are good thoughts on my mind all set for this day, but I definitely can't help but also think about the way I'm currently betraying my best friend by not telling her all about this. My conscience is eating me up alive at the back of my mind, and I still managed to get through the day without cracking everything to her and I am amazed by how I could keep this type of secret for myself and not sharing literally anything with her.

"Are you ready?" She asked. I was already holding my bag and ready to go. I was only just waiting for her already.

"Yeah" I nodded. She looked at me with an astonished face.

"Why do you seem so giddy and all stoked about this?"

"It just makes me happy to see you all get excited about seeing your favorite musician for the first time" I poked her arm.

"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard that actually came out of your mouth, Egan. I never really expected you to finally be happy for me at once."

"Excuse me, but I'm always happy for you. Towards your relationships, your achievements, and this!"

"I never saw it."

"But you saw me support you through everything and that's enough proof that I am happy for you." I chuckled. "You just constantly make bad decisions all the time that's why I seem to never show it."

We walked out of the apartment and I locked the door. I was already sure that my keys are in my purse. I swear I put them there and checked it triple times. I am ready to go.

"How dare you, Egan?" She said half laughing.

"At least I'm happy for you for this show. I'm never happy for any shows at all."

"I've noticed the changes. Why is that?"

Loophole. Loophole. Loophole. Loophole. Think!

"I really liked his music and he's adorable so I might as well just give it a go." I blurted out without thinking and hoped she would buy it.

As we pass through the door before Hunter's apartment, he got out and saw both of us. Govanne and Hunter met eyes and I started shaking, but I didn't want to make it obvious.

I just let out an "Oh my God" expression like a normal fangirl would in realization that I live in the same apartment as Hunter Hayes, talented country musician. Adorable. Hunk. Good kisser.

We stopped and he greeted Govanne first, then he pointed at me with a confused look. "Umm...Egan Miller?"

I pretended to blush as if this was all first time and that he knows my name and I couldn't believe it. "Yes, oh my goodness! How did you know?"

"Your best friend told me" he closed the door to his apartment and we walked with him to the elevator.

All this time me and Hunter had to pretend to be strangers who just met the first time. It got more awkward in the elevator.

As the door slides shut, couple of people are already inside, some are smiling, some are whispering and apparently all eyes on Hunter Hayes.

Him and I were so pretentious. I mean we had to. We had to act out like we never knew each other but are familiar since we perhaps have "bumped into each other many times in this place" now.

When everybody started to get over the fact that the Hunter Hayes was in the same elevator as them, breathing the same atmosphere, including Govanne-who decided to go on a text spree with God knows who, Hunter and I looked at each other and smiled. My soul was already praying no one noticed us that time.

But what's so odd about smiling at each other anyways? I mean, I've met him, I have talked to him "once", we see each other almost every single day because we live in the same floor. I don't see what's the big deal about smiling at each other that would definitely make people suspicious. And if it made people suspicious, what proof do they have enough to declare us as two people who have a thing for each other. I'm not saying we're pretty good at hiding, I mean, my face and his face wasn't covered for anyone to not see when we went on a fancy dinner before he left. But these people probably encountered us for the first time in the same atmosphere so I don't think any of them would be suspicious. Although, maybe some of these people was actually in the same fancy restaurant we were in few months ago, which is sort of impossible since the restaurant is a little further and no one in here would bother to drive that far. Except if it's really an important thing or an important date, and I think none of these people had important stuff to do there around those times. Or at least that's what I think.


"We met him oh my goodness gracious!" She yelled while excitedly banging her palms on the wheel in the parking lot.

"He's such a hunk in person, oh my God!" I joined in.

"I know!"

We were both shrieking weirdly inside her car before even driving off to the venue, and I'm not even surprised we didn't act so awkward after.

We went to the venue and I repeated the same thing I've done once again when I was with Cherry on the way to the restaurant where the reunion took place. Except this one was kind of an unexpected long drive. It lasted for forty five minutes to about an hour and I didn't expect it to be this far.

But who the hell decided to drive off almost an hour and a half to a fancy restaurant anyway? This is not really that of a big deal after all.

I just stared outside as the car goes fast, thinking about what might happen today. I prayed and prayed this day won't turn out badly since it's the opportunity we got where we make time to be together and making each other feel extra special so we might as well just savor it and this day shouldn't go wrong-my mind forcefully dictated.

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