Chapter 22:

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We went home past ten already so I went to bed really exhausted, but the night was absolutely worth it and I was so happy to be with him.

I received a text message from Hunter when I was about to go to sleep. The lights were already turned off.


Hey, hope to do that soon. How about when I get back from the tour? :)

I giggled but I was too sleepy to reply, I promised myself that tomorrow morning I'm going to text back, I was just extremely tired.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes but I couldn't help but convince my body to reply to that text.


I had a really great time. Looking forward to doing it again, but in somewhere cheaper next time. That was overwhelming :o :) good night!

After replying to the text, I placed my phone down the cabinet beside my bed. Lying down on my stomach, I almost fell asleep, then my phone made another sound. He replied again.

I just checked the message from the lock screen.

Hunter: Good night sweetheart. Sweet dreams! Thanks for the great night! Je t'...

That's all the preview my iPhone showed me, and I felt my eyes automatically shut out of being really exhausted.

I can tell it's been a great night-I meant, the best night.

It also felt like I slept smiling.


"I did a pretty good job, didn't I?" Govanne bragged, regarding what happened and what she did to Reece in the parking lot.

We were sitting on the couch in my apartment, she was hugging her knees and I was lying upside down.

"Admittedly. You know if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be given justice for whatever the hell he did."

"You're welcome. I deserve a BK for that" she grinned at me. I'm actually happy I have a cheap ass best friend who thinks about savings all the time, who does arithmetic in her mind every second and is already happy with Burger King's Double Whooper meal instead of going around malls and going to some restaurants like Shakey's or something (I mean that's the only that I could afford). I could save more!

"You call. I'll pay."

"That's some conditioning right there, but I'll take it" she beckoned and reached for my phone, she dialed the number for Burger King-she has it memorized already-and told our orders. She already knew what I liked. Double Whooper meal, same as hers, and Banana and Strawberry smoothie, my favorite.


After what felt like forever since Govanne and I were both already starving, there was a knock on my door.

Govanne stood up and yelled "I got it" but I had second thoughts that it could possibly be Hunter so I became absolutely panicky. I ran to the door way before she can.

"I'm paying. I got it" my whole body appeared like blocking the door, which may somehow imply that I'm trying to hide something from her, but I wish she wouldn't think things that way.

"Whatever, I was too lazy to make a small conversation with the delivery man anyway." She walked away to the couch and I peeked on the peep hole before even answering the door and swinging it open. It was a delivery guy, I was so relieved.

"Oh, hello" I greeted, preparing the money.

The delivery guy handed me the order outside my apartment and I partially shut the door behind me. I payed him and Hunter's apartment's door open. I knew it was him so I shut the door completely, also so Govanne won't be able to hear the mini conversation. She would ask so many questions.

I saw Hunter get out of his apartment and locked the door. His eyes finally caught me.

"Burger King?"

"My treat, Govanne told me she wanted some as a return for the favor she gave me."

"But that's cheap?"

"She's too money consuming. Where are you going?"

"To the studio. I'll be doing some stuff in there with the band before leaving. I'm going back here to pick up my bags."

"Are you sure you'll be going back?"

"Yes I'm sure." He glanced at his phone then back at me. "See you later, Miller."

"Hey, that rhymed" I chuckled.

"Yes...I'm clever" he replied with a laugh while walking away to the elevator.

Perhaps I have let out a pinkish glow on my cheeks. I clutched on the door knob turning it and pushing the almost-heavy door on my side. I should have had gotten used to it by now, but the weight of the door and my body weight still can't agree with each other. I'm surprised I get to live in this apartment for five months now while the door and my body contradicts with each other.

"God, Egan! What took you so long?" She shouted at me.

"The delivery guy was cute so I made the conversation a little longer." I sounded assuredly pretentious but I didn't really care. I was confident she will buy it.

"I thought you don't care about cute guys when there's food or you're starving like hell?"

"Not this time, he's super hot!" I lied again.

She was scrolling through her phone then her eyes widened open and her jaw dropped.

"What happened?" I sat down the couch placing the orders on the coffee table.

"Oh my God I can't believe this!"

"You can't believe what?"

"Hunter was caught on a dinner date with a girl!"

"Really? Are there any pictures?"


"Well, no pictures then it didn't happen-"

"No wait, they got one" oh shit.

"Let me see" she handed me the phone and the angle of the camera was from where the girl's-I meant my face is unseen.

"Hey, you guys have the same hair! Are you sure you're not sneaking up to my boyfriend?"

"Excuse me?"

"Hunter Hayes is my boyfriend. Are you sure you're not sneaking up on me?"

"What time was the alleged picture taken?"

"Around 9pm, it says here."

"I'm in bed those times. How can they still be on a date and I'm sleeping?"

"Girl life" she invited me for a high five so I took it.


We ate the burgers and did a movie Marathon and watched Mean Girls, The Breakfast Club, White Chicks, Clueless and other timeless classic movies. After, we talked about too many random stuff that could come up on our minds. Especially boys.

But I asked her a question and she thought I was being ridiculous.

"You and Hunter Hayes? That's my boyfriend, don't steal him away from me."

"I'm being serious, Govanne! What if we were together. Seriously, what would you do?"

"You'd be tortured with questions. Especially how he is in the bed."

"Govanne! What kind of answer is that?" I slapped her arm.

"Hey, it's part of being a fangirl. Being frustrated over your favorite artist."

"Sure, but based on my research only the fans of pop music artists are the only ones who does that. Also, his fandom is wholesome. I must admit that's just gross. Oh yeah, I quit this conversation."

She laughed at me. "You have to get used to that, Egan. I promise you I'd get you sucked in that fandom stuff you're talking about and you'll finally understand me."

"I've got more important stuff to do, thank you." I placed a half eaten french toast on the coffee table.

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