Chapter 15:

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"Hunter's dating somebody, I know it! I can sense it-"

"Maybe you're a little bit obsessing over him-"

"No. I have to figure out who she is. She's the luckiest girl. I wonder how good he is in bed."

"Govanne, why do you always wonder about Hunter in bed? Don't say you're having sexual thoughts over him because that's creepy."

"It's normal, okay?"

"It's not normal for me, Govanne, that's seriously weird."

"What? You would tell on him when you bump on him once again since you guys are on the same floor?"

"Hell no he might think the same thing towards me and stay away from me. I refuse to be a part of your sexual madness, Govanne. Don't even get me involved. Don't even attempt to."

"Please Egan. You and I both no that when he sings high notes you have nothing in mind but 'Fuck me'. Don't even lie to me Egan."

"Excuse me, but I'm normal enough to control my sex drive towards people. Why are we talking about this?" I got up the couch and took a sip of my frappe.

"You brought it up."

"You expanded it" I laughed at her. "Seriously, i feels pretty odd when talking about those stuffs towards celebrities 'cause you know you can never fuck them. You know what I mean? That's why I don't go and think stuff towards them. It would end up more awful."

"You guys could be FBs without my knowledge. But if you guys are, tell me how good he is" she made her tone seem like she was pleading. I cringed.

"Hell no. He's probably always busy. Always in the studio or something. He's almost never there, you know? If he's not making music or doing shows, what would he do? I mean, he's Hunter Hayes, right? He's definitely in the studio like it's his second home."

"Well you have a point. He did say it on an interview."

I actually told her something that came from Hunter's mouth on one conversation. I never really expected that Hunter already told everybody about it on an interview. So I'll guess that's a massive save.

"Just imagine sleeping on a couch with Hunter working on the studio" she sighed fascinatingly "Just imagine how he'll look at you." This is something I wasn't able to experience so far because of the major secrecy, but I cannot lie I could imagine the way he would look at me.


Half of me was a little bit annoyed that Govanne sometimes randomly jumps into talking about Hunter's personal life. It annoys me not in the 'because-I'm-his-girlfriend-so-leave-him-the-hell-alone' way but as an artist in particular. I could picture him having enough of people trying to butt his personal life, and he's a happy person. I don't have any desires on seeing him looking really sad because people finds out stuff about him no matter how he tries to hide it, since they've got shit load of unmerciful sources, the effect of the fans' desperation of knowing what's up. Like Justin Bieber's fans. I'm sure he also feels so sad his fans tries to get in his business with his girlfriend trying to decide for him. I mean, it's his life, right?

But I cooled down and just listened like a normal 'fangirl' would, but I bet one fourth of the fandom would actually be annoyed with that kind of thinking. I let it slide.

We were lying down my bed with popcorn between us, watching a new movie since Govanne felt that we've watched almost each and every vintage and classic movies that's why she got tired.

After the movie, she slides to my laptop (which was connected to my television for a bigger screen to watch) and typed in the link on YouTube.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"You should watch this. You'll love it."

She typed in "Hunter Hayes For The Love Of Music" on the search bar and the first thing that popped up is Hunter. I had an known about this already, but I tried to make it seem like I never knew this kind of series even exists.

"What's that?"

"It's like a video blog series thing about Hunter. He's showing us around behind the scenes and on his shows, the planning, the surprises, everything. It's amazing-it will definitely make you so proud of him."

She picked episode ten, which served as her favorite episode, when he was getting interrupted by Steve on every sentence messing with the drums. The reason why Govanne loved it so much. Because of the adorable introduction. I can't blame her, he was absolutely adorable. I mean, he's always absolutely adorable right? Seeing his smile made my heart melt and I couldn't contain my feelings inside, I had to scream.

"Woah, chill there-it's just starting."

"I know but he's so cute!" I was so cheerful, my voice was so hyped up. I wasn't even pretending anymore it just came on naturally. He looked so happy doing what he loves. He looked extremely sweet and it makes my heart skip a beat. My mind silently whispering "That's my boyfriend right there. That's him. I love him. I'm so proud of him."

I was so starstruck and my eyes seemed to be permanently glued on my tv screen. I was smiling from ear to ear watching the whole episode and she nudged my shoulder.

"Egan, I thought you're not much of a fan."

"Yeah, but you're getting me really obsessed with him."

"And you're letting me do that?"

It felt like I was so drunk, and that I don't know what I was saying anymore. "Of course, Govanne." I replied. "Of course."

My head was spinning, but I felt like I was on cloud nine. It's like he was making me high or wasted or something and I'm in love with the feeling. I don't even know how I feel this way towards him when he's my actual boyfriend. He's actually mine.

And I couldn't believe it for a second there, he appears so much like a superstar than a dork I've always knew. I recognize it happening whenever he does something he loves. It's astonishing.

"Egan, are you sure you're okay?"

I shook my head to gain consciousness. "What?"

"Are you okay? You're literally almost claiming him like he's actually yours."

"Well...he's mine."

She laughed about it. She didn't know I was being serious. And I was so confident to do so because I know she'll never believe every hint that I drop. She'll always think I'm joking.

Until this time where she ran to my house almost weeping. I knew it already. A picture spreaded again and it was me hanging out with Hunter but the picture shows only one fourth of my face, it's not enough to make me recognizable-thank God.

She studied my face and she was having a really delusional feeling that I'm not saying something to her. I opened my mouth to admit it, but she'll always think I'm messing with her. Always. Especially when that girl he's hanging out with the picture looks too much like me for everybody. But I'll be always in deny, which makes me guilty lots of times, but it just has to be done.

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